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Thread: Balmoral Color

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creag View Post
    Thanks, all - I was leaning toward maroon because of versatility and picking up the stripe in the tartan. Also leaning toward the Canadian Khaki (the dark one). It's not so apparent in the picture of the tartan, but on my sample there is a subtle dark khaki tone around the red stripe and I think that bonnet would complement it well.

    As Allen said "pick your favorite". I appreciate your comments and they confirm that I'll be good no matter which one I settle on. I'll probably end up getting two.
    I'm also considering a Canadian Khaki one; and as McMurdo said, the khaki can go with many tartans (as proven by decades of use in many regiments :-)

  2. #12
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    The one in my avatar is desert tan, and I find that it goes with anything. I don't worry about it being "underwhelming", as I generally don't expect my headwear to be the centre of attention in my wardrobe. That's what the kilt is for. And besides, when I take my hat off to go indoors, it isn't going to be seen anyway, so I wouldn't want to rely on it to 'complete' the look. That's why I prefer it to be neutral, in an "I can do without it" kind of way. It's just a hat, and I'm not presumptuous enough to try to make bold fashion statements with it. Here in the US, a Balmoral isn't seen very often outside of Scottish-themed events, so the average person on the street is likely going to see it as an odd choice of headwear to begin with (especially the toorie on top), so choosing a bold colour makes it that much more of a shock to some people.

    That said, I do like all the colours you have shown, and any of them would look great. I can see the maroon one being a nice complement to that tartan, though it might not necessarily work with blue jeans and a flannel shirt (depends on the shirt, I suppose).

    It's worth noting, just so you know, that certain colours are associated with military service. Granted, they wear berets in the military and not Balmoral bonnets, but most civilian casual observers may not know or understand the difference. If they see you wearing a maroon Balmoral with a badge of any sort on the cockade, they may assume you are a paratrooper of some sort, which can lead to awkwardness on your part, and possibly even anger on their part when they find out you're not. This would be rare, but still a possibility. The same goes with other colours. In fact, any colour Balmoral you choose could bear a resemblance to the colour beret worn by a particular military unit, so it's almost unavoidable to some degree. But some folks stay away from the more pronounced colours for that reason. It's your choice, of course, but just be aware of the colour connection and be prepared in case anyone asks.

  3. #13
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    Just to give a Scottish view on this. Whilst headwear of any sort with the kilt is not a common sight these days, certainly not as it was some 50/60 years ago, so in the last seventy years or so, I cannot recall seeing one Scot(I have seen a very few from outwith the UK) wearing a balmoral of dark green or maroon. I am not sure why this may be, but I suspect, as Tobus points out, those colours are too close to the Royal Marine dark green, or the Parachute Regiment's maroon. Both units have and had close connections to Scotland. From my point of view loud colours are best avoided as far as civilian bonnets are concerned.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 20th January 14 at 07:47 AM.
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  4. #14
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    They all look great. Though I have a Balmoral in each of those colors except the dark khaki, I find that I wear either a black one or faun one (like your desert tan) on most occasions. If I had a dark khaki one, I suspect that would be my most often "go to" bonnet unless whatever I was wearing called for a dark one, then back to black! In the end, I don't think you could really go wrong with any of them though. :-)

  5. #15
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    I own a dark green as seen in my avatar, and I always kind of liked it. I wear it especially on St. Paddy's Day.

    Having said that, I rarely wear anything other than navy/black. I do have a tam o shanter from the regiments without any military badge that I wear for very casual wear. I like the subdued color and most folks around here think it's a balmoral.

    As to the colors you mentioned, I would go with the dark khaki. It's not flashy, looks good with anything and any color, and should prove fitting for almost any purpose other than a very dressy event.
    Jim Killman
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  6. #16
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    Thanks, gentlemen. Tobus & Jock, some good thoughts to consider.

    My family has a considerable tradition of military service, and I do understand the colors that are associated with military service. I don't intend wearing a military badge on it, so I believe I'm safe. If anyone takes exception to the color I'll also understand why and should be equipped to handle the situation.

    I'm not self-conscious about wearing it around here in the Atlanta area. I've seen a variety of toppers and the Balmoral is conservative compared to many of them.

    I'd probably get a black one if I could fine it with a black toorie.
    Craig Jones
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