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  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Hmm, I think if I were the OP, I probably wouldn't wear a sgian, real or fake - Nottingham has, shall we say, a bit of a reputation. 'Nuff said.
    Regards, Sav.

    "The Sun Never Sets on X-Marks!"

  2. #42
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    It is very interesting. We've learned a bit more than we might have set out to logging on to a kilt forum. At least I have.

  3. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Just Hugh For This Useful Post:

  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calgacus View Post
    The OP lives in the UK and the laws and attitudes are very different here with regards to knives or weapons of any sort. Knife-carrying is basically illegal (with a few exceptions). If you are carrying a knife in the UK you are most likely to be a criminal or a thug.

    Here is a link to a summary of English knife law:-


    ...and Scottish knife law:-


    Knives do have a place as tools, and the law allows for this, you can carry a folding knife with a blade less than 3.5" as long as you can justify carrying it. The concept of carrying a tool around 'just in case' is a strange one to us. We don't regularly carry screwdrivers or spanners (wrenches) or socket sets around 'just in case', so why carry a knife?

    So... we do make an issue of it, and if you are still puzzled as to why, here's a link that might help.

    Been carrying a pocket knife of some sort since the age of 12. With or without a Sgian Dubh, my Swiss Army is in my sporran.

    The UK is more strict, but interestingly enough, some of the more interesting knife forums seem to come from there. If the British don't carry knives much, they sure enjoy talking about them.

  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norbo View Post
    LOl you don't live in the Uk and things over hear are very different. a few years back a friend of mine was pealing an apple with a knife in a park for his child who does not like the peal on. Some one called the police to say there was a bloke in the park with a knife they came and arrested him and took me to the police station for having an offensive weapon. he had to take his 2 year old with him and leave his car in the car park and they hand cuffed him and put him in a police car and social services came to take his child. He was let go within an hour but they kept his pealing knife and make no mistake this was not a proper knife just a pealing knife for like doing apples and potato's.
    Can anyone say, "big waste of police time"?

    "Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease."-John Knox Witherspoon

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  7. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machaggisnz View Post
    Here in New Zealand context is everything. If I'm off pig hunting I can walk into a petrol station with a bolo knife on my hip and no one will care. If I put a sgian in my pocket to go clubbing and I was frisked by the cops I'd probably get busted. Country cops are less likely to push the issue cos lots of farming folk habitually carry a knife for work, I did for years. City cops are going to require you to show a "lawful purpose" for carrying one.
    This reminds me of the first "Men In Black" movie. When Will Smith was trying out for the MOB, he and the other military and police candidates were shooting all the gnarly alien creatures. Will Smith just shoots the little 8 year old Tiffany carrying a "quantum physics" and "theory of relativity" textbook. He said, "A little white girl, walkin in the ghetto at night with all these monsters is up to something." I'm sure a father peeling an apple in the park with his 2 year old son sitting next to him is "real menacing". I'm sick and tired of people calling the cops over stupid stuff! Yeah. There are criminals and thugs out there that need to be locked up, but when did we lose common sense??? Next thing you know, pepper spray will be outlawed. Heck why not shoe laces?! Make everyone wear those stupid toe shoes that just strap on. That way no one will get straggled to death.
    "Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease."-John Knox Witherspoon

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  9. #46
    Join Date
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    Discretion is the better part of valor.....some years ago I was leaving the Flagstaff Highland Games in full kilt turnout. Driving across the Navajo reservation I was pulled over by Navajo PD in one of their speed traps (serious - a real speed trap). If you've ever watched the old series Navajo Cops you know they work alone in remote areas - far from back up - so they approach every situation with extreme caution. The Navajo officer was obviously an experienced veteran. He was polite but firm and there was no question he was protecting himself when he stood behind his patrol car door and had me get out of the car as opposed to walking up to my car door. As I was getting out of my car I realized I had my sgian dubh in my kilt hose. Since he was doing all the talking I decided it was best to stand at an angle that concealed the sgian dubh from him. It never became an issue since I had little chance to do anything other than answer his questions and sign off on the ticket (he did relax and come out from behind his car door). As we finished he looked me up and down and asked me why I was dressed like that. I told him I'd just come from the highland games in Flagstaff. He looked at me very seriously and asked, "Who won?" I dared not laugh and managed to stifle the urge to crack up and just told him, "Its like a Scottish Pow-wow." He got it and I got back in the car and drove off. The entire encounter occurred without him seeing, or being aware, I had the sgian dubh in my kilt hose. I can only speculate how he would have handled it if he would have seen it and realized what it was - or if I'd decided to tell him.
    Last edited by Riverkilt; 7th June 14 at 07:55 PM.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  10. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Hugh, it's not a case of prudishness.
    I appreciate your response. I will admit I was being a bit provocative when I posted the "prudish" comment. I expected a perfectly sensible response like yours, but as you can see, I also, inadvertently provoked The Official Bren, with my attitude about firearms in the U.S.

    I believe there is a sensible attitude about weapons somewhere in the middle (between arresting a man for peeling an apple with a knife, as was reported in the U.K., and open carry for firearms, as we have in parts of the U.S.). And I was, perhaps unsuccessfully, attempting to draw attention to that contrast.

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  12. #48
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    And just to clarify…I don't have a sgian dubh yet , so this is a non-issue for me. Sorry for the soap box. Probably won't get one to wear in public, but may get one for display at home. Might be a great heirloom one day.
    "Never rise to speak till you have something to say; and when you have said it, cease."-John Knox Witherspoon

  13. #49
    Join Date
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    I have carried/worn a knife or knives since I was 9 years old; that is, since 1956. I have done so in many parts
    of the US. Also in various parts of England, Scotland, Russia, Australia, South America, and South Africa. I have
    never once needed to threaten anyone, or to resort to one for self defense. They are TOOLS. Not weapons. I
    have never owned a fighting knife. I have never been arrested or even detained for having a knife in my possession,
    though I have had discussions about such with officers of the law in various jurisdictions, with their knowledge of my
    status. Even when one of my knives was technically illegal, it was clearly carried as a tool and I was told more than
    once should I cause any problem, that would be basis enough to take me in, but as long as I was circumspect in my
    behavior, not an issue. In England I was told/reminded to make sure my knife was in checked luggage for the flight
    home. I did. When entering a proscribed area and realizing I have one, I've been known to hide it in a flower bed
    outside the area, and retrieve on leaving. I am a big fan of being polite and well behaved, and it has served me well
    in a wide variety of circumstances.

    I am aware of knife crime, and also that large numbers die every year from fists, and feet, and baseball bats, and
    shoes, and shovels, and probably even bowling balls. This does not make any of these things weapons, nor require
    their proscriptions. It makes it very clear we need to focus more on teaching self respect, respect for others and their
    rights, and self control. And probably self defense. Immaturity and anger have been around for a while now, and so
    far have managed to outwit every law designed to protect us. Only we can do this. Not laws. I'm hopeful, but

    If approached by someone attempting to use a sgian dhu to coerce me into something unpleasant, I have reason to
    believe I have a better than even chance unarmed. I would say the same about many here, especially those with
    military experience. Not something I wish to test or prove, but also most unlikely to arise in the real world. Awareness
    of conditions is a much more potent defense than a small knife.

    A SGIAN DHU IS NOT A WEAPON. Period. Full stop. End of story. In most circumstances and jurisdictions, though not
    all, being in a kilt does make a difference in whether it is legal. So, OP can wear one in many, though not all, places.
    Again, awareness. Being correct is far better than being in custody.
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 8th June 14 at 01:43 AM.

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  15. #50
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    "Its like a Scottish Pow-wow."
    Nice analogy. I will be certain to use it here in New Mexico.
    Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!

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