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  1. #1
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    FREE KILTS in "The Highlander" magazine

    The latest issue of "The Highlander" (November/December 2014) just came today and in it is a small article on page 55 entitled "Two Maclean Kilts Free To Good Home". Both are 44" waist but also listed as size 14 which may mean that they are Female kilts (no length is mentioned).

    One is Ancient Maclean Tartan made by Lochcarron of Scotland and was purchased on the Isle of Lewis. It's wool (of course) with 19 pleats. The other is Maclean Hunting Tartan with 24 pleats made by O'Neil of Dublin and purchased in Dublin. They are both offered for only the cost of shipping and handling. The article states "For details, telephone (585) 889-3232 or email Lgracey@me.com."

    I am not inquiring about these myself; my intention is simply, to share this opportunity with the rabble.

    Last edited by Nile; 8th November 14 at 07:11 AM.
    Simon Fraser fought as MacShimidh, a Highland chief… wrapped and belted in a plaid over the top of his linen shirt, like his ordinary kinsmen. He put a bonnet on his head, and stuck the Fraser emblem, a sprig of yew, in it. With the battle cry, A'Chaisteal Dhunaidh and the scream of the pipes, they charged to battle. "The Last Highlander" Sara Fraser

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  3. #2
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    Hmm - when I was about a size 14 the waist was - I think 26inches - it might have been increased to 28 now - there was a rejigging of the standard sizes some time after I stopped using them.

    I wonder what a size 24 waist is - it could just be a typo.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:
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  5. #3
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    Anne, I believe the waist size for each is 44" (24 was referring to the number of pleats). There was no indication in the article as to how old they are.

    Simon Fraser fought as MacShimidh, a Highland chief… wrapped and belted in a plaid over the top of his linen shirt, like his ordinary kinsmen. He put a bonnet on his head, and stuck the Fraser emblem, a sprig of yew, in it. With the battle cry, A'Chaisteal Dhunaidh and the scream of the pipes, they charged to battle. "The Last Highlander" Sara Fraser

  6. #4
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    It could be that the measurement based on an indicated size of 14 is as you say, Anne. They may have measured the the waist area with the kilts laid out and not considered the overlap of the apron.

    Simon Fraser fought as MacShimidh, a Highland chief… wrapped and belted in a plaid over the top of his linen shirt, like his ordinary kinsmen. He put a bonnet on his head, and stuck the Fraser emblem, a sprig of yew, in it. With the battle cry, A'Chaisteal Dhunaidh and the scream of the pipes, they charged to battle. "The Last Highlander" Sara Fraser

  7. #5
    craigclan's Avatar
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    I sent a message about them but am yet to hear anything back . I figure they are long gone
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  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigclan View Post
    I figure they are long gone
    Yes, anything advertised as truly "free" is going to draw in sharks to the blood by the multitudes. Especially among we canny Scots. ;)
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  10. #7
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    Not that I would have responded, but I wonder how I missed that. I read "The Highlander" cover to cover almost immediately after it arrives.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  11. #8
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    The good fellow was nice enough to respond to my query about the Kilts. . . they are gone. Somebody got a deal
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  13. #9
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    Heather, thanks for finding out and determining the fate of those free kilts.

    And Bob... like you, my wife and I read or at least peruse "The Highlander" cover to cover the day it arrives. When I spotted that little article, I created this thread right away.

    Simon Fraser fought as MacShimidh, a Highland chief… wrapped and belted in a plaid over the top of his linen shirt, like his ordinary kinsmen. He put a bonnet on his head, and stuck the Fraser emblem, a sprig of yew, in it. With the battle cry, A'Chaisteal Dhunaidh and the scream of the pipes, they charged to battle. "The Last Highlander" Sara Fraser

  14. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Nile For This Useful Post:


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