I'm new to the Georgia area and was wondering if theres anyone in the winder area that would like to get together sometime. I do apologize if this is in the wrong area, i'm still new to the forums.
Being that you're just a short distance east by north-east of Atlanta, you'll find a great number of folks among us that are close to you. You are not so far from many Highland game venues in NC., Ga. and SC. Keep and eye out for postings of upcoming events in your area. Well met and welcome to the Rabble.
Shoot me a note if you find yourself driving up toward Asheville. I'm always game for a brewery crawl.
Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!
When I'm in the states, I'm often in Braselton, GA.
So far the only kilt I have seen in Georgia was a VERY sharp gentleman at the Atlanta airport about 7 weeks ago waiting for an arrival. If I was not to blown from my flights I would have said hello.
If anything comes about, I'm in - schedule permitting.
I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harms way. - John Paul Jones