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  1. #11
    Join Date
    15th September 16
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    In response to OP, those do look like "piper hose" I've seen online but are subtly different. I don't think they are HoC, from past shopping and from recently.

    I've had several pairs of HoC for years, and recently spent probably a ridiculous amount of time researching kilt hose to buy some for my wedding, and those look to me to be imitation hose. Which might not matter if you like the colour, they survive for a while, and aren't itchy/and are comfortable. (I can recommend HoC hose, they have several styles for all sizes of calf)

    In response to posts 7 and 10.

    I think it's easier for cheap counterfeit manufacturers to falsely mark and sell their products than you might immediately assume. The internet makes it very easy to peddle counterfeit products. Ebay is a classic example of this. The amount of imitation sporrans, kilt buckles, and kilt pins on there is staggering. Amazon too is starting to fill up with counterfeit goods as well.

    On another note I have Gaelic Themes hose in 5 colours, and though they are acrylic, they were cheap, and I was fine with that. You're not getting merino wool socks, but then again, they're perfect for going to a potentially-24-hour-long, drinking & feasting session for 6 nations rugby games. My brother actually has the same hose from them, with the same cuff design in wool, and they are simply more expensive, more comfortable, and aren't as easy to wash and mistreat in a general fashion. I can't speak to their "piper style hose".
    Last edited by Litany of the Highlands; 13th October 16 at 09:22 PM.

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