Hello! Cpl of us will do kilted pub crawl, in NW part of Portland (mostly breweries and/or brewpubs), if any of you prefer daytime drinking, instead of howling at the moon then join us. We're planing to start around 1ish slainte mhath!
Which day and where do you plan to start?
Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati
Originally Posted by bikercelt1 Which day and where do you plan to start? We did it on 11th of March, I once again failed to provide The Most essential information "actual date" Slow clap for me but anywho, @bikercelt1 we're always up for visiting breweries, kilted or not, please do forgive me, on my shortcomings to properly communicate with rest of rabble! And do let me know if you are up for a pint or seven
My schedules kind of goofy but I'm always up for a brew or a few.
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