Tartan has never been solely about names or families. Tartan tells the world - "Who am I, Where do I come from, and how did I get here."
The original Tartans were about place. We call these regional Tartans today.
And there are now Tartans for everything under the sun.
Do you have an affiliation with a place? A country or State Tartan may suit you. Many cities have Tartans.
Do you have an affiliation with a club or organization? Safeway, the grocery store chain has a Tartan as does UPS the courier service. (yes, it's brown) There is a Model "T" Ford Tartan and a Harley Davidson Tartan.
This forum has its own Tartan. As a member here, you are fully authorized to wear the X Marks Tartan. You can see it as the wallpaper to this site.
There are about 12,000 Tartans listed today and more being designed every day.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.