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  1. #11
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    Check out my review of my new UT Kilts Standard kilt.


    All in all, I'm not disappointed with it as a run-of-the-mill kilt for casual everyday wear.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    My one and only kilt currently is a black deluxe utility from Brice at UT (see avatar). I've done everything from roof repairs to family photos in it and it's fit the bill on all fronts. It may be stitched in Pakistan, but it's all I have at this point and I wear it with pride. Btw, the kilt arrived on my doorstep in 3 days.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    I just received a kilt from UT Kilts today. I ordered it more as an experiment than anything else. All up, including postage to Australia, it cost US$150.

    It is utter junk.

    Its only practical use would be as a drinking kilt at a heavy metal mosh pit.

    I will post photos at a later date (if I am unable to return it), but here is what I have to offer so far.

    They said it was 13Oz wool. It might be wool, but what it is (I ordered it in plain black) is plain weave something-or-other, not even twill. It is more like cheap barathea.

    It is hemmed (unevenly so and not pressed) - no selvedge whatsoever on closer inspection.

    The pleat stitches on the fell are highly visible, having been stitched down one side of the pleat with no attempt at hiding them.

    The basting stitches, if that's what they call them, allow the pleats to move over each other with the slightest effort.

    The pleats are approximately 35mm wide each at the hem. They are pressed in a fan/tapered pattern, from about 25mm at the bottom of the fell.

    The buckles are those really cheap tinny ones that have a wandering prong. Each buckle is attached to the kilt with a fabric patch, not leather.

    The lining is sweat-inducing polyester.

    I am going to write to Mr UT Kilt man and arrange some kind of understanding.

    Honestly, I don't know why he bothers or how he sleeps at night. He should sell his wears in the costume section of a party shop.
    Last edited by Michael A; 5th December 16 at 11:11 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Folks, I'm going to ask you to take notice of something. Those companies that are advertisers here are some of the most honest and straightforward in the world. All of the advertisers here have a proven record of providing outstanding customer service and the highest quality products.

    Notice please that UT Kilts is no longer among our advertisers. Please also notice that the owner of UT Kilts used to be a member here under the username "bricelythgoe". His membership here had to be revoked for repeated rules violations.

    I'm not saying don't buy from them. I am just pointing out that with all the various stories everyone is posting, - perhaps you have your answer.

    Benjamin Franklin really did say it best "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."

    If you really want to know about a company read what the customers say after a purchase. For example, read through some of the reviews in our advertisers dedicated forum sections. Those reviews were not paid for. Those are actual customers letting their fellow X Marks members know about the quality of the products and the level of customer service that they have received.

    Removing an advertiser and revoking a membership are not something that is done lightly. The staff treat a matter like this very seriously. This type of action cannot be done for just one or even up to four rules violations.

    In this case this all happened back in Jan of 2014 so is out of the memory and sight of many of you. But it is a fact
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

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  6. #15
    Join Date
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    I’m a latecomer to this thread (understatement), but I nonetheless felt I should throw in my two cents. I own several UT kilts, so my initial impulse was to defend them. Sure, there were discrepancies; the site says their solid kilts are cotton-poly, but the tag says 100% cotton, and their “polyviscose” utility kilts are likewise viscose acetate. But I was willing to overlook that, because pure cotton is more comfortable than a poly blend anyway (even if it does wrinkle like a monkeyfighter), and while the viscose acetate isn’t as finely woven as MM’s PV, it’s also heavier and probably better-suited for a utility kilt. And as others have mentioned, their customer service is excellent, as I experienced first hand on more than one occasion.

    However, the more I read of this thread, the more the misrepresentations have started to bug me. My most recent purchase was an acrylic kilt that I got for the sole purpose of not having to resort to trousers when shoveling snow, which I would describe as well-constructed but poorly designed. Now, I could see from the photos on the site that it’s not an authentic Black Watch tartan, and I likewise knew to expect the shower curtain effect from the splayed pleats. But it’s not like I plan to wear it to the Highland games; heck, the furthest I’ve ventured from my apartment while wearing it is the convenience store a block and a half away.

    That said, I did my research, so I knew what to expect and was not disappointed (especially for $60). But then I think about others who might not know the difference, only to be indeed be disappointed by what they receive…or worse, be none the wiser and actually wear such a kilt to the games only for some tactless individual to point out what’s wrong with it and make them regret the purchase long after the fact. And while I’ve no idea what sort of infractions got Brice banned from X Marks, the fact that he was given so many chances and still blew it makes his excellent customer service seem far less noble. Like Dave Barry said, someone who’s nice to you but rude to the waiter is NOT a nice person. So while I’m quite happy with my UT Kilts, I’m extremely wary of giving them any future business. I can’t honestly say never, as my own ethics are far from perfect, but…

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  8. #16
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    I will add that subsequent to my post above, I was able to return the kilt-like garment for a full refund (not including postage, but that's not his problem that I live in Australia).

  9. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Michael A For This Useful Post:

  10. #17
    Join Date
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    I bought an olive drab from them last fall (didn't realize made where it was) after waiting 12 weeks from a US based maker that didn't deliver. The service was good. Looks reasonably made.

    However, I won't order another from them based on country of origin now that I know.

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