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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MNlad View Post
    For me it is a simple equation: Cargo Pockets=No Sporran; Plain kilt (even with hidden slash pockets)=Sporran. It just seems bulky and redundant to have both.
    Thank you for expressing it much more concisely than I did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Sorry Geoff, I cannot see the connection between the Scottish kilt and its traditions and the utility kilt and those of that style at all.
    So you're saying that someone who'd never seen or even heard of a Scottish kilt came up with an idea for a wraparound skirt for men with a double-apron front and pleated back, and even gave it the same name, all by sheer coincidence? And I suppose British rock has no connection to American blues, either...

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dollander View Post
    Thank you for expressing it much more concisely than I did.

    So you're saying that someone who'd never seen or even heard of a Scottish kilt came up with an idea for a wraparound skirt for men with a double-apron front and pleated back, and even gave it the same name, all by sheer coincidence? And I suppose British rock has no connection to American blues, either...
    The Fijians, the Greeks, the Romans and perhaps some others came up with something similar to the kilt----not the same---- well before the Scots did. With modern communications there is no doubt that the inventor of the Utilikilt style must have been aware of the Scottish kilt there is no argument there. However, I still maintain, that apart from the fact that that style of kilt is a kilt------- as Geoff points out, some do not even accept that-----that is where any connection to the Scottish kilt and its traditions, starts and stops.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 26th June 17 at 04:35 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  4. #23
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    I wore my 5.11 TDK for a shift on the independent lifeboat I help to run and used a 5.11 6x6 molle pouch as a sporran, it was really useful to carry my pocketbook, surgical gloves, torch etc.

    On the first job of the night, an unconscious female, I was working with the local police who were well impressed with the kilt! They were even more impressed when we needed alcohol hand gel to clean up and mine was to hand in my sporran.

    I got plenty of flattering comments from members of the public whilst I was on duty and now my team mates all want them, we all tend to wear 5.11 duty pants so these are an easy swap, the pockets are all the same etc.

  5. #24
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    When I first got my Utility Kilt, I didn't get the Sporran but did get a Celtic Belt. Looking at the first photos without the Sporran, personally I knew something was missing and I thought to myself, my Kilt looked like a skirt.. I was back to the store where I got the Kilt, and the lady graciously took the Belt on exchange for a Leather Sporran with three Tassels. Whether Utility Kilt or Traditional Kilt, I think the Sporran adds, On Fridays when I wear my Kilt for my Seniors, I even wear my Hose and Flashes. Now that I got my Ghillie Shirt and Kilt Pin (which also adds to the Utility Kilt) it makes the Utility Kilt look a little more Scots.

    I am a firm believer that "To Each Their Own". I would be the last to tell someone how to wear the Kilt and what to Acessorise with with. It is what one is happy with. I like the quite that Terry made on one of my other posts I shared, "I like the fact that you are helping the kilt attire to evolve."


    PS, I bought a cheap $5.00 belt at Canadian Tire the other day, and with the decoration on it's simulated leather, some actually think it is a Celtic Belt...
    “Canadian Grown and Raised from Scottish Roots!”.....
    "Clan Farquharson, & Clan Fraser of Lovat"....

  6. #25
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    I almost always use a sporran, first, because it allows me more space to carry needed items and second because I like the look of a kilt with one. Third I spent a lot of time making my sporrans and if I leave them at home some would hardly ever leave the closet. Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	31806

  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonP View Post
    I have never used a sporran with a kilt. I don't think it's necessary considering all the pockets on utility kilts. Just wondering if that is the common practice.
    I have both a Utilikilt and a Great kilt I just got. As I live in the 21st cen. like everyone else, more often as not, I have things as must be carried; phone, keys, cigars etc.
    The pockets that a U kilt comes w I find less than adequate for this and the Great Kilt... well, I CAN fold pockets into it I suspect a similar result. Not only sporan, but additional belt pouches as well

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