15th July 17, 01:00 PM
 Originally Posted by Steve Ashton
When posting to X Marks there are a few protocols which we feel are basic to our forum.
I grew up in a Scottish family ..and I get a kick out of our households listening to Doric ..your info on spelling [mistakes] is how Doric is spelled . I was only being cheerful/familiar in a friendly way .
I understand George but very few on this forum will be able to read or understand things written that way. So while it may make sense to you, everyone else is looking at it and going "What?"
The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Steve Ashton For This Useful Post:
15th July 17, 01:07 PM
There are two Tartans listed with The Scottish Register of Tartan under the name MacCulloch/MacCullough.
One is #5356 designed by our own Peter MacDonald in 2004.
The other is #5357. Named MacCulloch/MacCullough Dress. Also my Peter MacDonald in 2004.
As this is a relatively new design it is unlikely that there are a lot of these kilts out there.
15th July 17, 01:17 PM
[QUOTE=Steve Ashton;1343579]
 Originally Posted by georgeetta
I understand George but very few on this forum will be able to read or understand things written that way. So while it may make sense to you, everyone else is looking at it and going "What?"
Including most of those in Scotland too, Steve.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:
15th July 17, 07:06 PM
 Originally Posted by georgeetta
your info on spelling [mistakes] is how Doric is spelled . I was only being cheerful/familiar in a friendly way .
What struck me about the OP wasn't the spelling, but lack of capital letters and punctuation.
I know Wikipedia isn't always reliable, but they give this as an example of Doric
GIN I was God, sittin' up there abeen,
Weariet nae doot noo a' my darg was deen,
Deaved wi' the harps an' hymns oonendin' ringin',
Tired o' the flockin' angels hairse wi' singin',
To some clood-edge I'd daunder furth an', feth,
Look ower an' watch hoo things were gyaun aneth.
Which appears to have ordinary use of capital letters, and normal punctuation.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte
15th July 17, 10:51 PM
In the collection of the late Jack Dalgety (Dalgetys of Forfar) was a c1930-50 specimen of the Red MacDonald of the Isles that was labelled MacCulloch. There was no explanation of why it was so named and it is likely that it was either a trade error or had been adopted or ordered by some particular MacCulloch family at some point. The tartan is not generally recognised as a MacCulloch tartan which is why I was commissioned to design the modern ones c2000.
The Following User Says 'Aye' to figheadair For This Useful Post:
16th July 17, 12:10 PM
 Originally Posted by thecompaqguy
I think it might be a made up tartan, the Pakistani kilts sometimes do that  Nothing comes up on Google or Tartan Register 
it was listed as macculloch tartan ..
16th July 17, 12:11 PM
[QUOTE=Steve Ashton;1343579]
 Originally Posted by georgeetta
I understand George but very few on this forum will be able to read or understand things written that way. So while it may make sense to you, everyone else is looking at it and going "What?"
good point ..I had no idea there so many non-Scots in the world ! 
Happy Sunday
16th July 17, 12:38 PM
George, you may not list your location in your profile but your IP gives your location as from New York.
Last edited by Steve Ashton; 16th July 17 at 12:41 PM.
16th July 17, 01:29 PM
 Originally Posted by Steve Ashton
good point ..I had no idea there so many non-Scots in the world !
Happy Sunday 
There are approximately five million Scots in amongst how many billion people in the world? In my experience very few of the 5 million Scots speak or even understand Doric. I might hear it once or twice a year when I am shooting or fishing in and around the Aberdeen-shire area , but I cannot recall ever hearing it anywhere else in Scotland.
Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th July 17 at 02:19 PM.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
16th July 17, 02:31 PM
[QUOTE=Jock Scot;1343646]
 Originally Posted by georgeetta
There are approximately five million Scots in amongst how many billion people in the world? In my experience very few of the 5 million Scots speak or even understand Doric. I might hear it once or twice a year when I am shooting or fishing in and around the Aberdeen-shire area , but I cannot recall ever hearing it anywhere else in Scotland. 
I am trying to track down a MacCulloch Kilt .
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