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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickHughes123 View Post
    Do you perhaps know what the belt is called that pipers wear on the upper part of their body?
    A cross belt.

    Example: https://www.theblackwatch.co.uk/coll...rs-cross-belt/

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taskr View Post
    my go-to for black tie has been a BBSBA.
    What is "BBSBA"? Big Bertha's Sporran Attachment?
    Last edited by Friday; 30th May 18 at 07:43 PM.
    If you see abbreviations, initials or acronyms you do not know the Xmarks FAQ section on abbreviations may help.


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  5. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friday View Post
    What is "BBSBA"? Big Bertha's Sporran Attachment?
    I’m actually really surprised that this one isn’t in the faq along with tank and PC.

    It’s “black barathea silver button argyle.”
    Descendant of the Gillises and MacDonalds of North Morar.

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  7. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post

    This is also the only time I have ever worn Ghillie Brogues. I don't care for them much.
    I agree! However, would buckle brogues be too over-the-top with black tie/Prince Charlie?

  8. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 230Ball View Post
    I agree! However, would buckle brogues be too over-the-top with black tie/Prince Charlie?
    It depends on the event. For most black tie events the buckle brogues would be too much. Apart from the ultra formal black tie event well polished black oxfords will do you nicely. A wee observation, most new to kilt attire tend to overdress for black tie events.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  10. #26
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    Thanks, Jock, this is getting easier!

  11. #27
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    Just so we are all using the same terms.

    The word brogue and its plural broguing refer to the pattern of holes punched into a shoe.

    When I was growing up we considered any shoe with the pattern of holes to be one level down in formality from a shoe without the pattern of holes. In general, we thought of all brogues as day wear shoes.
    This has gradually undergone a change and you now see brogued shoes at formal events.

    (A brogue in the UK is what in the US is sometimes called a 'Wing Tip"
    An oxford shoe is one where the bottom of the laces are closed.
    If the bottom of the laces are open the term is 'Blucher'.)

    But I still feel that a plain shoe (without the pattern of holes) to be more formal.

    I personally do not own any buckled shoes. They come across to 'costumey' to me. Too much a part of the Laird's Plaide/Cromach look which, I personally, do not wear.

    If I were looking for a very formal shoe this is what I would wear - Patent Leather or polished to a shine that you could see yourself in (A Spitshine).

    But everything I have said is my own personal preference. I do not ask, nor expect, anyone else to follow anything I say.
    Steve Ashton
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  13. #28
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    Excellent, Steve! I think we're on the same freq.
    BTW, is there a specific weight of hose recommended for dress oxfords? My novice assumption is that hose typically worn with Ghillie Brogues would be too thick or clunky looking with oxfords... like wearing boot socks.

  14. #29
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    Yes, kilt hose are usually thicker than standard dress socks.

    The fix - buy larger shoes that fit.

    Most old school shoe stores will ask you to bring the socks you are going to wear with the shoes with you when you try the shoes on.

    See, I just showed my age again. Who has even seen a shoe store today where they actually sat down and measured your feet before going in the back and pulling that size off the shelf?

    This is called a Brannock Device. At one time you did not buy a pair of shoes where a clerk would not put both of your feet in one of these. (yes, it is quite common for one foot to be larger than the other)


    This one device take 3 different measurements at one time. The length or size, plus the width, plus the arch length.
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 31st May 18 at 02:07 PM.
    Steve Ashton
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  16. #30
    Terry Searl is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    I've asked before

    I've asked the question before on other threads but never seen an actual reply
    What is it about Gillie Brogues that make them offensive to some people .......other than the laces, which can be shortened.

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