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  1. #1
    PatrickHughes123 is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    My Old Hobby Revived

    Hey guys,

    So I don't know why I feel the need to share this, but I do, and I will. When I was younger, I used to write short stories, and then I stopped doing it. Recently I have revived this hobby, it feels great to be doing it and it is better this time because I have more of an adult mindset now and know better what makes good writing. To be honest, I don't know why I ever stopped. Can't really remember, I was young, it was a long time ago. But its great I'm back at it.

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  3. #2
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    Congratulations on rediscovering a passion. I used to write as well, and found a deep sense of satisfaction in it. These days, I do enough writing of technical reports and business correspondence that I don't feel the drive to write for pleasure any more. I use my other creative outlet for that purpose: music. But I do understand the joy of writing, and I'm glad to hear it's something you are taking the time to do. Find a way to make it a permanent part of your daily life!

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  5. #3
    PatrickHughes123 is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Congratulations on rediscovering a passion. I used to write as well, and found a deep sense of satisfaction in it. These days, I do enough writing of technical reports and business correspondence that I don't feel the drive to write for pleasure any more. I use my other creative outlet for that purpose: music. But I do understand the joy of writing, and I'm glad to hear it's something you are taking the time to do. Find a way to make it a permanent part of your daily life!
    Thank you. I'm currently working on my first shirt story, the first one in a long time.

  6. #4
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    A few years ago, I had a blog and I started writing a continuing story on a lady named Blanche and her family here in Ontario.. She lived alone with her two Cats, and was widowed with two grown children and grandchildren.. Each story would end in a Cliff-Hanger for which I had a month to think of a new story to go along with the photos that would be used for the story. I was part of a group and on our blogs, we create a story for the photos that were posted for that session. It was called "Portrait of Words". My Blanche was of Scottish Descent, and she even made a trip to Scotland for a Family Reunion. It was to Edinburgh (That is where my Dad was Born).

    Good to hear that you are continuing with your writings Patrick, are your stories of being in Scotland?. As for me and my writings, the last time I wrote about my Blanche, it was 8 years ago. Time just got busy, and our Portrait of Words group disbanded.. Maybe someday, I'll startup where I ended.
    “Canadian Grown and Raised from Scottish Roots!”.....
    "Clan Farquharson, & Clan Fraser of Lovat"....

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  8. #5
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    Nice to make something old new again. Good hobby to have, writing, takes good imagination. Enjoy
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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  10. #6
    PatrickHughes123 is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    Quote Originally Posted by Famous Willie View Post
    A few years ago, I had a blog and I started writing a continuing story on a lady named Blanche and her family here in Ontario.. She lived alone with her two Cats, and was widowed with two grown children and grandchildren.. Each story would end in a Cliff-Hanger for which I had a month to think of a new story to go along with the photos that would be used for the story. I was part of a group and on our blogs, we create a story for the photos that were posted for that session. It was called "Portrait of Words". My Blanche was of Scottish Descent, and she even made a trip to Scotland for a Family Reunion. It was to Edinburgh (That is where my Dad was Born).

    Good to hear that you are continuing with your writings Patrick, are your stories of being in Scotland?. As for me and my writings, the last time I wrote about my Blanche, it was 8 years ago. Time just got busy, and our Portrait of Words group disbanded.. Maybe someday, I'll startup where I ended.
    No, maybe I'll write some Scottish stories in the future.

    Your dad is from Edinburgh? Nice!

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    Everyone needs a hobby of some sort to get them through life in general. I lean towards woodworking, just picked up 4 boards to build a crib for a friend, had the rest of the wood already. In general I work with power tools but when life is flying and the head is filled with too much clutter getting out the hand tools and watching the shavings make nice see through curls as they come off the hand plane is a thing of beauty that clears the mind. Scotland produced some of the nicest handplanes you could ever want along with England but unfortunately I don't own any of those.
    Good luck in your writing, I'd tried doing it some when I was younger as well but I didn't enjoy what I wrote so I stopped.

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  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickHughes123 View Post
    Thank you. I'm currently working on my first shirt story, the first one in a long time.
    Must ... resist!

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  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickHughes123 View Post
    No, maybe I'll write some Scottish stories in the future.

    Your dad is from Edinburgh? Nice!
    It would be interesting to read about Scotland from your view.. I was told when I was writing my stories about Blanche, to relate her into things that I knew or had memories about.

    Patrick, My Dad was born in Edinburgh, but moved to Canada in 1922, he was 11. My Dad was part of the "Home Children" where some of the children in the British Isles were sent to Canada for a better life, from 1869 to 1932. My Grandfather sent him over here temporarily in the hopes of bringing my Dad back to Scotland when things got better. When it was time to return to Scotland, My Dad decided he wanted to stay in Canada. And that he did. He did go back for a visit after WWII, but after a year and a half, came back to Canada. My Dad didn't talk about Scotland much. I guess he had his reasons. One thing he did embrace though was the Clan Farquharson, we are a Sept of the Clan Farquharson, or the Clan MacIntosh.. One thing he did tell me was if I was ever to embrace my Scottish Heritage, to go with the Clan Farquharson, When I was getting my first Tartan Kilt, I got the Clan Farquharson in the Modern Colours. My Dad also flew Scotland's Flag. He preferred the Royal Standard of Scotland over The Saltire.

    Here's the link to the Government of Canada Website on the Home Children, if you'd like to read up on some Scottish (UK)/Canadian History. .

    “Canadian Grown and Raised from Scottish Roots!”.....
    "Clan Farquharson, & Clan Fraser of Lovat"....

  16. #10
    PatrickHughes123 is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Must ... resist!
    If you did go there, I would understand. Considering I walked myself into it. I didn't mean to type 'shirt'. I must have been thinking about shirts at the time and I accidentally wrote it down. I dunno.

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