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  1. #1
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    Celtic Tavern Burns Night

    It is time to be thinking of Burns night and assembling the participants. @Creag @Wil @Wareyin @Catharps @thescot

    More @ names to be added as appropriate, this is just to get some planning movement. We've demonstrated we can
    pull it off in two and a half hours on a Thursday afternoon before the Friday or Saturday night; let's see if we can do it
    at a more leisurely pace. Perhaps if we load up Jim's pm box and e-mail with 348 whines, he'll have to come up with a
    more substantive excuse than "Oh, is it that time again already?" or "My wife has me busy vacuuming my sock drawer.".
    Then we find out if we've been orphaned for real or if we can cajole him back into the fold.

    Seriously, folk have said they want to attend, they want to participate. Let's call their bluff.

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to tripleblessed For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    I have been thinking about this too, and would love to attend again if you all will have us. We hate that we missed the Burns Supper in 2018 (due to my work schedule) as well as the last two years of Stone Mountain Highland Games. I miss y'all! I'm on first shift for the time being and hopefully will be able to attend without any issues. I will know for sure when the date is decided. Let me know what I can do to help.


  4. The Following User Says 'Aye' to AlabamaCelticLass For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlabamaCelticLass View Post
    I have been thinking about this too, and would love to attend again if you all will have us. We hate that we missed the Burns Supper in 2018 (due to my work schedule) as well as the last two years of Stone Mountain Highland Games. I miss y'all! I'm on first shift for the time being and hopefully will be able to attend without any issues. I will know for sure when the date is decided. Let me know what I can do to help.

    Glad to hear from you! We'll be happy to see you again. And thanks for confirming my post actually made it through;
    the silence has been deafening. Will work on PM issue. My initial thought on date would be Saturday the 26th, but it's
    rather flexible to allow out of town participation.

  6. #4
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    I was surprised to see that no one had responded yet. Hopefully it's just the holiday business keeping people from responding, and not a lack of interest. I just looked at my schedule and I'm off the 26th!

  7. #5
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    The holidays certainly have been keeping me busy! I am interested in going, but I do have to make sure I'm free that weekend.

    edited to add: the post being in the Highland Games section threw me, I was looking for this in the Georgia Kilt Night section!

  8. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Wareyin For This Useful Post:

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wareyin View Post
    edited to add: the post being in the Highland Games section threw me, I was looking
    for this in the Georgia Kilt Night section!
    This section is both highland games AND Celtic events; my thinking was the Burns supper is more of an event than
    a standard kilt night. I should have realized that if I can confuse myself as often as I do, I might be leading others
    astray as well. As his birthday would be Friday the 25th, I thought the 26th the most appropriate Saturday, but if
    the Saturday prior or following works better for most, either can work.

  10. The Following User Says 'Aye' to tripleblessed For This Useful Post:

  11. #7
    Join Date
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    My dear friends, please excuse my failure to respond heretofore. I claim extreme busy-ness as the reason, though it does not excuse. My teaching schedule, 6 grandchildren for Christmas, etc.

    I have to check with the Celtic Tavern, and will do so this coming week. Greg, our long time host and the proprietor of said establishment, has stage 4 terminal lung cancer, and will not be with us much longer, I fear. This is a personal blow and a tragedy as he has been a good friend of mine for many years. They are trying to figure out what to do with the Tavern, but for now it is still open. I shall be going to see Greg this coming week.

    There are other places we could choose, if we must, so I will investigate those outlets as could you all. If the Tavern is definitely going to be open, I say we stick with it, but I will bow to the will of others. It's been our home all these years, and, well, you know.

    As of this writing I plan to be in attendance. Saturday, the 26th is the best choice, I think, but we need to hear from one and all. Sing out, ye lads and laddies. The Bard's birthday waits for no man (or lovely lady, Lass of Alabama), so we must forge ahead.

    Please forgive if this post is tinged with sadness; you understand, I am sure.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  12. #8
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    Jim. Terrible news. Distance has precluded many visits out that way other than the events he's hosted for us,
    but he's always been happy to see me, and a help in the planning I've done. Is he at home? Hospital? Still working?
    We'll add him to prayer lists.

  13. #9
    Join Date
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    Firstly, sad news about Greg. I don't believe I've met him on previous Burns' Nights, or wasn't introduced. I agree that while the Tavern is open and they are able and willing we should continue on with them.

    The 26th works well for me. I'll be happy to create programmes. Also I'll be happy to read a poem. Looking forward to seeing all!
    Craig Jones
    It’s a lang road that’s no goat a turnin

  14. #10
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    Thanks, Creag. I have come to rely on you and Wil for the programs.

    If anyone has a desire or even a willingness to take on a part of the presentation, please jump in. If you think of folk
    who should be tagged for a nudge, do so.

    As before, group effort.

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