And now for something completely different - Home-made bagpipes! This is not a serious set of pipes, to be sure. And I truly hope that those who play bagpipes and those who love to listen to pipers (like meself) will not be offended by this post. This is more of a parent having fun with a child whilst stimulating a youngster's interest in music and pipes kind of thing. But if you take it in the spirit in which it is intended, I'm sure some might find it amusing or interesting and perhaps someone might even spend some quality time with their young miss or master on said project. Here ye go.
DCampbell16B,DougH,Father Bill,Kiltedjohn,Me cousin Jack,pofloyd1
Using the Holderness Family to pass time lately has become kind of a bad habit. I use YouTube and will get sucked down the rabbit hole with some very good song parodies.
Originally Posted by Brian Rose Using the Holderness Family to pass time lately has become kind of a bad habit. I use YouTube and will get sucked down the rabbit hole with some very good song parodies. Me too. I have even gone back and watched some of their older non musical videos.
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