Joy is not a native Gaelic speaker. Nevertheless, here she is doing her "day job" telling us how bad the next day's weather is going to be!
Now, way back in 2010 and by then a fluent Gaelic speaker, Joy won the Mod Gold Medal - the most coveted award for Gaelic singing. (She is indeed very tall but this video unfortunately distorts her height but thankfully not her voice.) Sleepless over the loss of her beloved at sea. "If only I were a mermaid, I could have swum out and brought him safely back to shore."
Here she is in her latest release singing a waulking (fulling) song the strong beat emphasising the rhythmic thumping as the womenfolk beat the new cloth on the table,
But Joy is also a champion step dancer in the old Highland style. Here she is demonstrating to the music of the BBC News signature tune with her Welsh opposite number who is a drummer.
And she has an excellent "Speak Gaelic" series for Gaelic learners. People get worried by the "h"s all over the place in Gaelic forgetting that English has them too to do just the same thing - change the sound of the preceding letter. So "bh" and "mh" are both pronounced "v" and so on.
Tioraidh an drasd'