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Thread: Swap meet

  1. #1
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    Swap meet

    My wife and I are downsizing and attended a Game swap meet. We sold about 20 games. We actually did do one swap. A guy wanted a swap but only had a few dollars but a box of berries so my wife took some berries in exchange. Grizz had a great time also but at his age he had one thing on his mind when we got home.
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    Just an update on my herniated disks. Two days ago I finally was able to deadlift 300 pounds. They remind me occasionally they are still there and will be probably the rest of my life but it's nice to be back to that level.

  2. #2
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    That hurt me watching you dead lift. I rolled over in bed last night and threw my back out. Got up this morning and could hardly walk . Now I have my back brace on, and am popping pills. Whoever said getting old is not for sissies sure hit the nail on the head.

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  4. #3
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    sorry to hear that. I've been lucky but agree. I always said I'm going into old age kicking and screaming but it doesn't seem that old age cares much about my protestations. Hope you feel better.
    Quote Originally Posted by stickman View Post
    That hurt me watching you dead lift. I rolled over in bed last night and threw my back out. Got up this morning and could hardly walk. Now I have my back brace on and am popping pills. Whoever said getting old is not for sissies sure hit the nail on the head.

  5. #4
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    I did not start strength training until I retired 10 years ago and have found it quite helpful in the aging process. Peaked out at 200 pounds 2 years ago which has caused me to conceded I am getting older. Now the goal is to keep the aging process at bay. Going winter camping with the scouts this weekend. The others know coffee will be ready when they roll out of bed. And I may hit 200 pounds again. We will see.

    As I will tell my scouts this weekend, there is no inappropriate weather, just inappropriate gear. Hoping for snow.

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  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RGM1 View Post
    I did not start strength training until I retired 10 years ago and have found it quite helpful in the aging process. Peaked out at 200 pounds 2 years ago which has caused me to conceded I am getting older. Now the goal is to keep the aging process at bay. Going winter camping with the scouts this weekend. The others know coffee will be ready when they roll out of bed. And I may hit 200 pounds again. We will see.

    As I will tell my scouts this weekend, there is no inappropriate weather, just inappropriate gear. Hoping for snow.
    That's what my english son-in-law says all the time. There's no bad weather just bad choice of clothing. Of course for him living where it gets cold that's easy to say. Coming from Southern California where the most I need is a heavy shirt and I don't want to spend the money to buy cold weather gear to me to use once every couple of years
    there is bad weather.
    I have now switched back to a 5/3/1 system and backed off the heaviest weights and lowered the reps. That should help me progress over the 300. My biggest fault is not backing off and always going hard.

  8. #6
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    When I was a young my favorite time to camp was in the winter. No bugs. I got cured ,though, on bivouac when I was in the army. It was 1959 at ft Campbell Ky. We got so much snow it collapsed our tents. I pulled out my sleeping bag and laid it alongside a log by the fire and went back to sleep. I was nice and warm in my sleeping bag with a blanket of snow. The only thing that bothered me was an old Sargent, that couldn’t stand the cold, kept waking me up to see if I was okay. Ah, the good old days when I was a bad a-s now I’m just an old a-s.

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