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  1. #11
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    I have a Standard Black Watch which is currently my only kilt and I like it a lot. I got it right around the beginning of the year. It's got a double fringe on the apron....I wonder if it's got the "improvements" for 2005??

    I thought about buying a "budget" kilt from Jerry but opted for the standard. I figured (from reading X Marks) that spending a few more dollars for a bit of an upgraded product was worth it. I'm glad I spent the money.

    Jerrys customer service ethic is super. Highly recommended.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th October 04
    Jacksonville, NC
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    I can't speak for the standard kilts but I bought two of the budget kilts for lounging and working. Other than the apron problems, discussed here before in detail, they do just fine. In fact I was surprised when I first saw them at the number of pleats and the way it was put together. I 'sits' well, meaning I can sit around in it, drive long distances in it and not have pleats squashed everywhere. After washing a couple of shakes, a few hours on a hangar and they are ready to go again.

    My point being, if the standards are as hardy as the budgets and crafted to higher quality standards, how can you go wrong for just a few bucks more.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    25th September 04
    Bloomington MN
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    My comments would "ECHO" what has been previously stated/posted. I have in many other forums said that
    SWK (Stillwater Kilts) is the "BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK IN THE BUSINESS"! The attention to detail rivals
    kilts costing much much more and they are a great deal easier to maintain (washing) than the all wool
    ones. I now have -6- SWK kilts: All Black; BlackStewart; Black Watch; Royal(Red)Stewart; MacKenzie;
    all these are the Standard Model kilt and 1 last kilt in the Economy line the Pride of Scotland.
    For comparison I have about $350-- in SWK kilts - the approximate price of one basic imported kilt custom made.
    You really can not do wrong with a SWK and Jerry is an extraordinary person to work with
    if things are not exactly right! If there were a school/college offering a course in "KILTS" Jerry
    would be graduating "Summa cum Laude"!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    23rd February 04
    Just minutes from the Mason Dixon Line
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    Yah Bastahds! Esp. U Carbomb. After reading this thread, i just placed my order for an SWK. Been jonesin for a while, and this fit the the bill.

    I'll never save enough for a TANK.
    And you may ask yourself, Well how did I get here?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    The whole point of this thread is to let everyone know that there is a NEW and QUALITY option to the table cloths and wanna-be's. You will not go broke with the StillWater's, and you WILL be proud to be seen in one.

    Think about it. I'm up infront of a LOAD of people in my kilts, so they can't be rags. I'm also known for wearing some rather "original" kilts too. The StillWater Kilt takes a beating, holds its pleats, sits VERY comfortably on the waist, and leaves me plenty of money for my NEXT ONE.

    You can't argue with the tartan choices too. Considering the price, they can't carry 7000 tartans. They have managed to stock some REAL desirable ones though! Kudos!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

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