Thanks to the expertise of our own Site Moderator, Mr Hank Hannah, USA Kilts has a new site! Please keep in mind that I know Little to NOTHING about site design / creation. I came to Hank with ideas of what I wanted and he built the site around them. I asked for changes to certain aspects (to make it more customer friendly) and he rose to the challenge. I take my hat off to you Hank... the site far exceeds anything I could have hoped for. Well worth EVRY penny / Kiltmaking hour we're going to spend paying you back! Now I once again call on my friends here at XMARKS... please check out the site if you have a spare minute. Test links, pics, buttons... everything! If there's something wrong with the site, LET ME KNOW IN A PM (Don't reply to this thread with a site issue). I want this site to be perfect! It looks perfect to me, but I want feedback to make sure everyone ELSE thinks so too!
Last edited by hhanna; 2nd June 05 at 07:44 AM.
Rocky Roeger Owner & Kiltmaker - Facebook: Youtube:
I haven't gone through it in detail, but it looks great. Excellent presentation (This coming from a future customer, I'm sure). Kevin
Very nice!! It is much easier to get around... I like it very much!
Looks good... I see a kilt was dropped out of the lineup. So is the Casual Kilt a Philabeg or a Casual Kilt? It looks like the photos of the old Casual. Anyhoo... That has to be one of the nicest site designs ever. Easy to navigate. 8)
Rocky, excellent site. Hank did a super job on it. Navigation is easy and it's good to be able to see the tartans. I'm truely impressed. Wilter, on the main page there's a link to an explaination for the renaming and dropping one model.
I missed that the first time or it was added when I wasn't looking! Bah! :mrgreen:
The new site is very nice. I especially like the tartans list for each kilt type.
I've got a complaint and it's a big one!!! You are making it even tougher to stand the wait until I can afford a Semi-Traditional Kilt. The piggybank is slooooooooooooowly filling.
Rocky, The website is very nice indeed! I just can't visit the site anymore. No disrespect, but if I keep visiting I will be unable to pay bills or eat. So many nice items.
R. Anderson
It looks very nice, Rocky! Well done Hank
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