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Thread: tights ?

  1. #11
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    i'm quite sure tights are not in my future; however, the mention of leggings caught my attention. so as google is my friend .....

    in reference to the Wyandot Lifestyle ....
    http://www.wyandot.org/wylife.html [ a very interesting read]

    "Dress moccasins, tunics, breech clouts, kilts and leggings were quite often made of blackened buckskin.

    'brose ...

  2. #12
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    IMHO, this thread more properly belongs in the "off topic" section.

    Whatever... If I recall correctly, I believe the individual you describe sporting the tights to be more of an advocate of 'fashion freedom' rather than kilts... hence my first comment. Personally, I think fashion legwear with kilts is crossing the line of kilt propriety for men. Sorry... it just looks wrong. Besides, it doesn't make sense to expound on the freedom kilts afford and then bind oneself up in slick lycra. It may well be that there are now tights being manufactured with the male figure in mind. Fine... if inclined, wear 'em in the winter as an extra layer under trousers. If you going to wear a kilt... leave 'em in the drawer. There are other forums on the net that actively encourage & support fashion liberty / confusion issues... issues better left to those venues.

    Speaking of confusion, I understand that 'tights' has a slightly different meaning in the UK than it does in North America?
    Last edited by Blu (Ontario); 14th July 05 at 08:05 PM.

  3. #13
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    fashion freedom

    Blu, isn't wearing a kilt to some supporting fashion freedom?
    My only confusion, if that's what you want to call it is how to keep warm in the winter, seeing as I wear long johns all through winter and sometimes a bit into spring due to my legs getting too cold and basically freezing up (severe pain).
    I suppose the aswer is try it and see I'm sure though I'll work something out being a resourceful chap.
    cheers for the replies.

  4. #14
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    ... I believe the individual you describe sporting the tights to be more of an advocate of 'fashion freedom' rather than kilts... hence my first comment....

    ....Besides, it doesn't make sense to expound on the freedom kilts afford and then bind oneself up in slick lycra...
    I agree with Blu--it does seem like it would negate the freeing benefits of being in a kilt. However, in the interest of Fashion Freedom (always a good cause), I'll post this link:


    One of my customers (who is a pretty BIG guy) swears that these are really comfortable. I dunno. Seems like it would make it a lot harder to pee. But if you are thinking about tights, give these guys a look.

  5. #15
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    Native American leggings

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    There is some evidence that Highlanders stationed in North America during the French & Indian War wore Native American wool leggings under their kilts (these leggings are knee-high with braided "flashes" to hold them up); there is a picture of such an outfit in Stuart Reid's "18th Century Highlanders" by Osprey Publishing.
    The leggings in question would most certainly allow for the ventilation properties of the kilt. Even longer versions were simply that - LEGGINGS - not pants of any kind. The Native Americans would wear them with their loincloths, with the leggings tied to the "belt" that held the loincloth in place, so there was no need for any sort of coverage of the nether regions.

    Anyone know of a vendor for this sort of thing? Might be nice to try out.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranald
    Blu, isn't wearing a kilt to some supporting fashion freedom?...
    Not at all! Kilts are menswear. Men have had the freedom to choose to wear kilts for a very long time. It would seem, however, that it is an option that, for whatever reasons, a majority of men in this timeline choose to decline.

    ...My only confusion, if that's what you want to call it is how to keep warm in the winter, seeing as I wear long johns all through winter and sometimes a bit into spring due to my legs getting too cold and basically freezing up (severe pain)...
    My answer to that is... If we're going to wear kilts, let's do it with some intelligence. If it's too cold to wear a kilt properly, then maybe it's time to think about pulling on a pair of trousers instead. As men we do have that option available to us as well.

    ... I suppose the aswer is try it and see I'm sure though I'll work something out being a resourceful chap.
    cheers for the replies.
    Don't get me wrong... I have absolutely no problem with men wearing tights. They can provide an insulating layer in cold weather and promote circulation, etc. But for men, fashion legwear worn with a kilt is no less inappropriate than wearing tennis shoes with a tuxedo, or a baseball cap in church. It's a matter of respect.

  7. #17
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    [QUOTE=jfellrath]The leggings in question would most certainly allow for the ventilation properties of the kilt. Even longer versions were simply that - LEGGINGS - not pants of any kind. The Native Americans would wear them with their loincloths, with the leggings tied to the "belt" that held the loincloth in place, so there was no need for any sort of coverage of the nether regions.

    This was exactly my point, there are other options!
    It is my belief that the trousers originally started off as two legging with socks built in and attached to a belt under a tunic, some bright spark just took it a bit further and came up with what we know as roughly trousers, albeit quite squarely cut.
    Necessity is the mother of all invention.
    I also hear that some builders wear tights to keep warm while laying bricks!
    Blu your comments are noted thanks.

  8. #18
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    In spite of supposed historical evidence of Highlanders in the French & Indian War, this is quite bizarre. Tights under a kilt is bizarre. I'm sorry. I am completely not open to the idea at all. That's my opinion only, but I'm sticking with it.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotus
    In spite of supposed historical evidence of Highlanders in the French & Indian War, this is quite bizarre. Tights under a kilt is bizarre. I'm sorry. I am completely not open to the idea at all. That's my opinion only, but I'm sticking with it.
    I agree completely.

  10. #20
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotus
    In spite of supposed historical evidence of Highlanders in the French & Indian War, this is quite bizarre. Tights under a kilt is bizarre. I'm sorry. I am completely not open to the idea at all. That's my opinion only, but I'm sticking with it.
    Same here, Scotus & Colin -- I was just mentioning the evidence that leggings were worn, not tights (apart from George VI!)

    I'm wi' you both on this!



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