An old friend of my wife recieved an award from the Bank of America last night for her work with migrant labor in Washington County.
It was at the banks main office building in Portland.
I wore my Clan Lamont old tartin kilt, white knee socks with flashers, black dress shoes, grey dress shirt, baby blue tie.and a black waist lenght jacket.
Shortly after arriving and meeting up with our friends a young lady with a camera wanted a photo of us together.
It endu up she is doing PR for the bank and is takiling photos of everyone, which is here job.
BUT later on,as I weas going to get drinks for my wife and my self, this same youg lady said she really loved my outfit and could she take another photo of just me. I of course said yes. I gave here on of my cards and said if I didn't break tha camera to please send me a copy of the pictures.
She also just had to ask if I played the pipes, I said no but asked do you play the banjo? No answer so I guess that ment no.
Later a man said he really liked my kilt and what clan, I told him Lamont and he said he was Clan Ross.
Then as we were exiting the bank the young man, another bank employee, stopped me and said he had been trying to figure what tartin my kilt was. I told him Lamont. He thanked me and I thanked him and we were off to the trin home.
Robert "the kilted Lamb