Just about 20 minutes ago, a torchlit procession began to make its way from the Sheriffmuir Inn to the Macrae Monument, to commemorate the Battle of Sheriffmuir, fought on 13 November, 1715.
There will be a service at the Monument, delivered by Ken Schirra, Grand Prior of the Scottish Knights Templar and a short address by author David R. Ross.
Invited guests will make their way back to the Inn for dinner, followed by speeches from Fraser Macrae and His Royal Higness Prince Michael of Albany.
Entertainment for the evening will be provided by Schiltrum and the newly-formed Albannach Band.
At midnight (7:00 PM EST), there will be a bonfire lighting at the campsite outside the Inn.
I've just come off the phone, where I learned that it is presently drizzling rain, so let's keep a good thought for those in attendance.