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  1. #1
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    Poly-viscose tartan...

    Is there somewhere online, possibly in the US, where one can order lengths of PV tartan? I'm aware of this site but I was wondering if there were others.

  2. #2
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    I personally don't have a clue but perhaps Rocky, Terry or Jeff can tell you. There should be a source close to home. I do have to ask -- why? As someone who's sewing macine laughs every time I pass by the door I can't imagine actually trying to MAKE a kilt. I know we have folks here who do and do it well.

    Good luck to you if that's what you're looking for. I'll just buy mine.

    Barb, do you do commission work? I'd love to get your take on a kilt and perhaps er....get one made?? PM me if you DO do that.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by starbkjrus
    I do have to ask -- why? As someone who's sewing macine laughs every time I pass by the door I can't imagine actually trying to MAKE a kilt. I know we have folks here who do and do it well.
    I've made one, and I really enjoyed it. When I got done I found myself wishing I had another to make. I wouldn't mind trying one out of p-v

  4. #4
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    My wife made my kilt of of a heavy poly/rayon and several kilt wearing folks have mistaken it for wool. It hangs and swings just right and it's very comfortable. It's a Black Watch from the fabric store for $3/yd. That said, I'm also looking to get some P/V tartan fabric in the MacMillan tartans, so I'm also looking for a good source with good prices.

    TartanWeb has P/V, but they're located in the UK. The link is to the MacMillan tartan, because that's the one I had bookmarked, but you can search from there.

    If I order fabric from the UK, what charges are added in besides shipping?

    The Scottish Weaver is in the U.S., but they have a very limited selection of poly/acrylic tartans. The price is definitely right though, @ $14/yd, but it's only 10 oz. fabric.

    Bear told me to check with the kilt makers here in the U.S., as he apparently can't export to the US from Canada? I'm not sure if I got that right, but it sounds like government BS.
    Last edited by MacMullen; 27th November 05 at 07:14 PM.

  5. #5
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    The best source is still likely from Malton Mills directly. You will have duty to pay, but they will have the best selection http://www.martonmills.com/

    I have had some luck with local fabric stores, but the PV is the lighter weight variety and would likely not make a very warm kilt, and the tartan is very limited.


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