Yesterday evening our folk group performed a concert for a stroke rehabilitation unit in one of the local hospitals. About 30 patients turned up, many with helpers as most of them had lost the use of their legs and some could just about walk with aids. As I was tuning my guitar an elderly lady being brought in in a wheelchair stopped by me and with a lovely smile said ' I hope you have hairy legs'. I lifted my Cilt a little to show her a bit of a hairy leg. 'Now thats what I like to see' she said. Her face was beaming. We performed for an hour, at the end of which we duly played and sang the Welsh National Anthem. What was absolutely amazing was to see most of these people get up (most had to have support from somebody) to sing it with us. Some were really struggling and must have been in some pain, but you could see the pride in their faces as they sang along. It was a proud moment for all of us in the band to have seen. Gordon and myself had taken few cans of beer with us and there was this chap sat in the front row who could see we had a can of beer by us, said that he was'nt supposed to drink alchohol but he was enjoying himself so much could we let him have a can. One of the nurses nodding to us that it would be ok so we did. The nurse then informed everybody jokingly that 'tony' will be in fighting mode at the end and all to keep your distance from him. Everyone laughed. All in all, it was a great Cilted night seeing all these people enjoying themselves even with their ailments.
Iechyd Da![]()