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Thread: Flashes???

  1. #11
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    "If you're wearing your hose up to the knee..." then you're wearing them too high. Just above the swell of the calf is high enough. A few inches below the knee. And if people can't tell if you're wearing a kilt, then flashes aren't going to make the difference. To me they're one of those unnecessary bits that are fine for dress up, but a bit much for daily wear. I tend to limit the amount of ribbon I wear normally. But the garter's a good investment. A strip of elastic and almost no sewing ability and you're all set.

  2. #12
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    A few inches below the knee seems a little low to me. I agree that you don't want them up at the crease behind your knee, but just above the swell of the calf kind of gives that look like your socks aren't really long enough to pull them all the way up. I'd aim for just below the bump on the fibula.

    As far as flashes go, they are the decoration on a functional piece. You don't want to be forever pulling up your socks, and they do tend to creep down as you walk around unless you've got an elastic garter under the cuff at the top. This is _particularly_ true if you're wearing a sgian dubh, which can submarine a pair of kilt hose _really_ fast.


  3. #13
    Bob C's Avatar
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    I guess I didn't truly mean "to the knee." Barb said it better.

    A few inches below the knee would just look silly.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser
    Usually I wear flashes with a tartan kilt but don't normally wear them with my all black kilts.
    If I'm wearing a dress shoes or polished loafers, I'll add flashes. I don't bother with boots. But I always wear the elastic under the fold to hold up the sock.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C.
    If you're wearing your hose up to the knee, wear flashes. They're one of the little things that identify you as a kilted gent and not a cross-dresser. Same with the sporran.
    Jeepers Bob... if my lack of flashes and sporran identifies me a cross dresser, I'm in serious trouble! ... I only wear either about half the time. I would think that if a man looks effeminate after strapping on a kilt, flashes and sporrans aren't going to be much help!

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