ai was in a British themed pub/resturant in 'merica...
an my lassie an ai were eatin' supper an ha'in
a bit o' verbal foreplay aboot whit we micht bae oop tae later that nicht
in the bedroom... (as ya do)...
(my lassie wuz suggestin' playin' a bit o' Pirate & Captured Wench...)
when this aulder lassie comes o'er tae oor table an asks me "are you playing tonight?"
we were baith a bit shocked an stammygaster'd...
(we thought she must o' o'er heard us- but why is is askin???)...
"weel, ai guess we will bae, ma'am" ai say...
"oh, do you play the bagpipes too?" see says tae mai sweety....
"oh, goody, I hope you'll play for us" she says...
"whit? play fur wha?" says ai...
then it hit us baiith! (kilt = bagpipes!)
"och, nay... sorry"... ai say "ai dinae play the pipes"
"oh, so what do you play? What were you talking about?" she says
my lassie starts lauchin' an almaist coups aff her chair....
"naithin' ma'am... sorry... ai misunderstood ya... sorry..."
"oh, that's a shame " she says... "I was hoping to hear you play..."
"och, nay, ma'am ya wouldnae want yae hear us playin'" says mai lassie (gigglin her heid aff)
the piur lass jus walk'd awa a' confeesed...
we lauched aboot tha a' nicht....