15th April 06, 05:02 PM
Not the nicest thing in the world to say
Today as I was organzing stuff for our store front in Elora On, an elderly lady and her friends walk past the window and saw me dressing a dumby for the store. The women asks me "do you make kilts here?" I said yes she turns and says "no you don't you make crap(not the actual word but I'm polite) can't you tell by my accent I'm scottish I was a kilt maker when I was younger and let me tell you those aren't the garb of my people".
So I explained to her that what I make is a kilt that is a affordable custom kilt,explained fabric, and yardage etc. she told me flat out that I was a disgrace to kiltmaking and a disgrace to all things scottish.
At this point I'm on fire I really don't feel I'm a disgrace to anything. So I asked her why is it that she feels this way, and why come into someones place of business and tear a whole in them. I said to her that what I'm do is simply keeping a form of dress alive that has history and culture if anything she should be a little happy that someone in the area is doing this. She really got on my nerves she would pick up one of my kilts and pointed out all their flaws , I smiled and thank her for all the constuctive critisim and asked why doesn't see make them any more she replies I have lost most of my sight and my hands won't hold a pin as well as they used to.
Just venting much better now.
15th April 06, 05:08 PM
Some people's grandmothers, I tell ya!
No offense the to the aged and wise, but what a bent. There's no need at all for that kind of stuff.
Now... off to your site to see if you have anything to offer this Yankee.
15th April 06, 05:24 PM
You handled it well, MacHummel. Sadly, there are some people who figure that however things were when they did it must be cast in stone.
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
15th April 06, 05:27 PM
Machummel, good on ya for holding your temper, especially under those circumstances. I would have been livid as well, but who knows, as much as she complained, she just might remember you when someone who knows wants a kilt.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
15th April 06, 05:34 PM
If you hadn't said she was Scottish, I would have sworn you were talking about my mother in law!
15th April 06, 06:00 PM
You seemed to have handled that situation well. It speaks very highly of your character. Very nicely done.
15th April 06, 06:13 PM
Please don't let that spoil your day. Who knows what crawled her @%^ and died. I would have told her she couldn't be scottish because scottish women aren't ______ (insert explicative of your choice). You are obviously much cooler headed than her (or me). Good for you.
Last edited by Cinnabar; 15th April 06 at 06:16 PM.
15th April 06, 07:14 PM
I'm not Hindu, but I still think there's this thing called karma....
15th April 06, 07:24 PM
I'm sure what she said must have hurt and angered you greatly - but... it could be an opportunity to turn lemons into lemonaid. If you ever see her again and she was indeed a kiltmaker trained in Scotland, she may be able to offer you some valuable tips and tricks earned from years of kiltmaking experience.
I guess I'm just a glass is half full kinda guy...
15th April 06, 08:17 PM
I am slowly coming to realise that I should ask, "What good will come of this?" before I say something. Evidently this lady still hasn't got to that point in her life. It seems that you have, though, MacHummel.
You showed that whatever your respective beliefs about kilts, you are the bigger person.
Besides, you are not claiming that you are making traditional kilts. You are giving your customers exactly what they want.
Last edited by ronstew; 15th April 06 at 08:20 PM.
Ron Stewart
'S e ar roghainn a th' ann - - - It is our choices
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