Though not originally intended as a sporran, I've got a possum bag my mom picked up somewhere in VA for me I could convert in a matter of minutes- that is if I had the urge to wear one resembling roadkill when I left the house.
Gents, the point of being kilted is not to offend folks, but to celibrate an old garment whose time has come to return. Do not and I repeat, Do not, try to wear a sporran that is offensivve as some that i have seen here it will give us all a bad name... LOL....
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau
North Carolina is home, Maryland is just a place I live
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Originally Posted by Frank McGrath
Has anyone ever seen a sporran made of deer skin? My brother in law just sent us a bunch of venison and I have to wonder what he does with the hides.
I posted some pictures of me back in April I believe that show me working on removing the hair and grain from a deer hide. I will be making a buckskin sporran once I am done with tanning. The process I am using is called brain tanning. Your brother in law may be interested in checking out It is not that hard to brain tan, just takes time and planning. I was hoping to help my father get rid of some coyotes a few weeks ago so I could make some full mask coyote sporrans.
Gents, the point of being kilted is not to offend folks, but to celibrate an old garment whose time has come to return. Do not and I repeat, Do not, try to wear a sporran that is offensivve as some that i have seen here it will give us all a bad name... LOL....
The mere fact that my dress sporran is fur is going to offensive to some. The fact that probably the majority of us that go regimental would be offensive to some. Don't forget there are some nuts that believe that for a man not to wear pants and to wear a kilt is offensive and a sin. You need to understand that there is no constitutional right not to be offended. If you like it..for whatever reason...wear it.
This is not the place to discuss animal rights. If you don't like thses sporrans don't buy 'um. If you want to discuss this I suggest PM as a solution.
The origianl question has been answered so this thread is now locked down.