23rd May 06, 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nick
David, where do you live?
In Michigan, you cannot carry a fixed blade knife if it is hidden from view. But you can carry a fixed blade if it is visible, which means the sgian is legal because you can see the handle. There are certain places I won't wear it (high schools being #1 on that list, even though I've been out of HS for years), but otherwise, it's fine.
I live in England-But I am a Scot Born In Glasgow
23rd May 06, 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by chasem
I think the others have covered it for the most part.
Where did you get that sgian dubh though? (the one on the right)
I got it from E-bay From Fredonline321-I think I payed £31 + POSTAGE--It was made by the Sgian Dubh Co in Scotland
23rd May 06, 01:02 PM
It always amazes me...a Sghian is very obviously an accessory that one wears ceremonially...most of them look like they'd be good only to spread peanut butter on toast. Once again: anything longer than it is wide is a weapon? And a guy dressed in a kilt is SO inconspicuous...he MUST be up to things nefarious! That's why he has that BIG, SCARY, DANGEROUS knife in his sock! I suppose that a dummy one would come in handy but in a bad set of circumstances it might not be recognized as a "dummy" soon enough. I believe that it has been pointed out in past threads that, historically, the Sghian was put into the sock top by way of showing it "out in the open" rather than its usual place hidden in the folds of the kilt or under the arm. Obviously, no law enforcement type is going to stop and engage in a discussion of historical fine points, though. Face it, we've had folks shot dead here in Chicago because they were taking out their cell phones at the wrong time...certain concessions should be made to modern circumstances...you can wear the thing all you want at home or at Highland Games/Celtic events. Should you get busted for walking around with a Sghian on your person and get hauled before a judge, what do you think that the judge is going to say to you? If you got an even tempered and REASONABLE judge, he'd have to say something like, "...I appreciate the tradition but get real...if you go around with a shiv on your person, you're gonna end up right back here again so how about you forgo this particular part of tradition in the interest of public safety and not clogging up the courts."
23rd May 06, 01:06 PM
Strange that in the States you'll get hauled in for wearing an unconcealed 7.5 inch knife, but in many places you can carry a semi-auto pistol legally. Here in Canuckistan, its the reverse. I can legally carry a sword around if I choose, but forget a handgun.
23rd May 06, 01:47 PM
Wouldn't the simple solution be to check with your local police?
I wear a fake sgian dubh most times I'm out and about, and save the nice oxhorn real* one I bought from the Scottish Tartan Museum for dress up occassions. That way I don't ever have to worry about it. Truth be told I think hardly anyone ever even notices the handle's presence be it knife or bottle cap opener.
* The blade while shiny and nice looking is best suited for defending one's person from a piece of vicious Brie or perhaps a savage bit of Stilton.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
23rd May 06, 01:51 PM
Most states require a permit, testing, et cetera for carrying a concealed weapon/gun. In fact, there is only one state that doesn't require a permit.
FWIW, the Sikh religion requires that their men carry a kirpan, to be used only for defending oneself, or defending those who cannot defend themselves. There were incidents involving Sikhs and their kirpan after Sept. 11. I've not heard of any recently.
23rd May 06, 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Panache
* The blade while shiny and nice looking is best suited for defending one's person from a piece of vicious Brie or perhaps a savage bit of Stilton.
I appreciate that but when it comes to Feta, I shoot first and ask questions afterwards.
23rd May 06, 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by auld argonian
I appreciate that but when it comes to Feta, I shoot first and ask questions afterwards.
Gouda point!
23rd May 06, 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
Gouda point!
The Limberger Defense
23rd May 06, 04:24 PM
OK. This thread is getting pretty cheesy and it's starting to stink.
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