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  1. #1
    Join Date
    31st May 06
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    How can you ascertain the weight of kilt material...

    ...on old kilts with no mention of the weight on the label?

    Like mine: seven yards (6 m), 24" (61 cm) long and weighing 4 lbs (1.8 kg)...

    Is that 17 oz (or whatever), or is it not quite as 'simple' as that?


    p.s. and please, nobody suggest cutting out a 3' x 3' square from the kilt and putting it on the kitchen scales... :-)
    Last edited by Moose McLennan; 7th July 06 at 06:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    The 'weight' of the cloth is what 1 yard of 54inch wide fabric would weigh,

    So if you work out what 1944 square inches of your kilt would weigh, make a small adjustment for the buckles -

    7 yards of 24 inches is 6048 sq inches.

    So the weight of the kilt fabric, say 60 oz - divided by the area in the kilt, multiplied by the area of one running yard - 19 oz

    Simple really, if my calculation is right - working with a calculator that is also a clock and the '6' button that does not work is a slight impediment.

    I never had this trouble with a slide rule, and the battery never want flat either.
    Last edited by Pleater; 7th July 06 at 04:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    31st May 06
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    Thank you Pleater!

    Incidentally, my first very rough and ready (and as it turned out, completely wrong) calculation for this question was done on the slide rule of my wristwatch.

    (I'd always assumed the weight of kilt material meant ounces per square yard.)



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