I won't talk you out of it! SW makes great kilts. I have a standard Black Watch, and I love it!
Not going to talk you out of it! SWK's are great kilts. I have been looking at the Saffron and Green for a while, just need to save up some more money.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
I have two minor issues with my Stillwater. 1. There is nothing in the inner construction resembling steeking or inner re-inforcement. 2. The inside pleated fabric above the fell has not been removed making the kilt with a "bulky feeling" around the waist. I will also echo the point that the "heavyweight" fabric is not particularly heavyweight by traditional standards. I found mine a bit too light to wear on a windy day. But having said that, I know of no other traditional style kilt available for what Stillwater charges. As long as you're not expecting an 8 yard wool traditional when you open the box, you'll find that you have a reasonable kilt for your dollars. blu
Originally Posted by Panache I would skip the fly plaid and brooch (unless you have a dress jacket and vest already and a lot of formal events to go to). Instead of the fly plaid and brooch, buy a Stillwater Standard Irish National. You get two kilt outfits instead of formal gear you will likely find that you don't need[/I] Good point. I do have a jacket and waistcoat, but I already have a fly plaid for my Gordon Dress. Maybe I'll just get two kilts, heh heh heh.
So, from one kilt to 2!! And you wanted us to talk you out of it . . . While your looking, check out USA Kilts too. I hear they make a great product too. By the end you may be getting 3 or 4. (A bit of advise -> NEVER ask this crowd to try to talk you out of getting and kilt . Only need to know if the kilts are good, great, crap, or gilded crap. TRUST me, we'll tell you! )
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