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  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th September 04
    Amelia County, Virginia, USA
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    Welcome to the forum. As for that Stillwater, I bet that if you ordered it tomorrow (Friday) it would be there by Tuesday at the latest. And, you can get an economy model for around the cost of a name brand pair of jeans.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    23rd May 06
    Canton,OH. USA
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    Hello Chris!

    Hi Chris!
    Welcome to the addiction from Canton, OH., a drinking town with a football problem (and I might add, it's fair share of kilts!).
    Hope you enjoy the time you spend here, I'm sure you'll find it most helpful!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    6th July 06
    Adams, Massachusetts, USA
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    Initial Thoughts...

    My UK arrived yesterday! I was watching the UPS tracking page intently all day. A friend of mine asked for my help in repairing several computers after work. I asked him if he would mind taking a detour (45 minutes) to my home so that I could get my kilt. He looked at me like I had two heads!

    Lucky for me that my girlfriend was home and met the truck delivering my kilt. She was planning on meeting us for dinner that evening. She showed up bearing the kilt! (I knew I loved her!)

    Sadly she did not grab my belt or boots and I made the choice not to wear it out to dinner. But you can bet that I put it back on immediatly upon returning for drinks!

    All I can say is that everyone here is right. I love it! And I cannot wait to get out of work so I can put it back on.

    Thanks to all for the warm welcome!

    I now feel like one of the "Rabble!"


  4. #24
    Join Date
    27th June 06
    Queen Creek, Arizona, U.S.A.
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    Chris -

    You'll have to keep us up to date on your kilted adventures in MA.

    The first few times I ventured out in public I was really nervous about it but here in Phoenix no one seems to care.

    There are other kilted guys in the area and we have a "Tilted Kilt" bar here so maybe that helps.

    Anyway, I'm more accustomed to being out in public with it now and hoping to get more UK orginals because I'm enjoying mine so much.


    Phil in Phoenix.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    6th July 06
    Adams, Massachusetts, USA
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    Worried over nothing!

    Well I have to report that the Glasgow Lands festival was all I could hope for a first kilted outing!

    I got a few stares and I'm sure a few laughs behind my back at the grocery store on the way to the festival! But they were behind my back, so I just ignored them.

    The thousands of others at the festival made me feel right at home. Up to and including an older gentleman wearing the same black UK Original that I was. We passed each other with huge smiles and a "Nice Kilt!" between us.

    Throughout the day I learned the finer points such as how to get into and out of a car. How to sit at a picnic table. And how to sit down on/get up from the ground while watching Enter the Haggis.

    That evening I went out to a bar to see a friend's band play. With eight hours and counting in my kilt, I was calm and ready for a night out! The evening was great! Lots of compliments and not a single disparaging remark.

    Needless to say, I am now officially hooked! And more importantly, my girlfriend gave it her seal of approval! She must have caught the reactions of a few of the other young ladies there!


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