Member - X Marks Honor Roll Former House Chairman/Forum Advocate
Join Date
29th July 05
Reston, Virginia, USA (Suburban Washington, DC)
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Thanks muchly for those. I was not aware that the castle had any restored rooms. I guess I should have realized. It was already on the list for next year but now I see that I'll have to allocate more time. :rolleyes:
excellent pics P1M! Thanks for bringing back memories of our own visit. You do have to be careful about those "no picture" areas though don't you? I was so captivated by the memorials to thevarious Highland Regiments that I missed the no photography sign and almost got myself in trouble for trying to take a picture of the Gordon Highlander memorial. Not only did I get scolded but the picture didn't turn out either. Oh well, at least I didn't get my camera confiscated. I'm told that happens with fair regularity when people get caught taking pictures where their not supposed to.