My wife is running the Baltimore 1/2 marathon that day. Not sure if I can convince her to go afterwards or not. I've been horrible at getting to games this season, as other things keep popping up. Will miss Richmond due to having surgery the Friday before.
Member - X Marks Honor Roll Former House Chairman/Forum Advocate
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29th July 05
Reston, Virginia, USA (Suburban Washington, DC)
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Hmmm. Interesting. We're planning on going to the Celtic Weekend at the Maryland Ren Fest this weekend so don't know if we'll make another trip to Annapolis the following week but you never know.
Hmmm. Interesting. We're planning on going to the Celtic Weekend at the Maryland Ren Fest this weekend so don't know if we'll make another trip to Annapolis the following week but you never know.
Come on up, It will be fun. If the weather turns this weekend there is always next weekend.
And for those who don't know, we are holding the East Coast Championships there this year for the athletics. We'll have about 45 guys competing and also 5 girls. Masters, Open Ams, and the ECC contenders.
Some of the best throwers on the east coast will be there. I've trained with a couple of these monsters, and you won't want to miss it. I can guarantee a few field records will fall Saturday!