I am not particularly wealthy, so the prospect of spending more than $20 for anything irritates me no end. Still, I did get a Stillwater (Nightstalker) kilt and 3 pair of kilt hose from Sportkilts. The SK hose are okay, but I don't think they're made of wool. Winter should be along before too long and I'd like to be prepared. Where can I find (relatively) inexpensive woolen kilt hose? I'd consider wader socks except that I can't find anything in one solid color. Any suggestions? ~~SSgt Baloo
Two of our regular advertisers come to mind - USA Kilts Scottish Tartans Museum I'm sure there are others, but we like to support those that support us.
SportKilts is also having a sale. You can get their premium hose (not sure if they're wool though) for 14.95. White and green.
It don't mean a thing, if you aint got that swing!! 'S Rioghal Mo Dhream - a child of the mist
Hamilton Dry Goods has them. http://www.hamiltondrygoods.com/sock.html
Originally Posted by JimB SportKilts is also having a sale. You can get their premium hose (not sure if they're wool though) for 14.95. White and green. I've got some o' dem and I'm not convinced they're wool. The above two links are a good source, but how do their kilt hose size up? I wear a size 12 (UK 11) shoe, the distance from the floor to the center of my kneecap is 21" and I have calf muscles like Popeye. By the time I get most "tall" socks around my calf muscle they're too short to fold the tops over. I once found the ideal pair of tall wooley socks at a hiking store, but that was 30 years ago and the store's no longer in business. Can anyone with "Popeye legs" recommend the above kilt hose? ~~SSgt Baloo
You might want to check out Townsend and Son. http://jas-townsend.com/product_info...roducts_id=239 ...not that much of a break on the $ but they are wool and wool socks last a long time when you take care of them properly... I lucked out a while back and picked up many pair of Bridgedale Blaxnit over the knee socks from Sierra Trading Post when they sold the seconds for like $6 a pair...at least one other Xsmarkser ordered some and wasn't pleased with them but I guess I lucked out and got the good ones because they're holding up just fine. Other than that, there's that "sock dreams" place online...I think that they have wool...mostly aimed at the ladies market but socks are socks. Also search the on-lines that supply Ren Faire stuff and see if they might have any tall socks. Best AA
Have a look at W. Brewin. Kevin
I'll second Hamilton Dry Goods. My calves are too large for a standard kilt hose to look decent and their socks fit comfortably, give me a large beefy cuff at teh top and stay up without flashes. For $8 they are perfect.
Originally Posted by Moose McLennan Have a look at W. Brewin. Kevin Second that, on his site or watch ebay for specials. David
The khaki wool full hose from What Price Glory come in at $16, and are quite nice... good solid neutral colour too.
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