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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    As I recall, Glen Coe was at the order of the Earl of Stair and Campbell wasn't pleased with his orders but was told in no uncertain terms to carry it out or face replacement and consequences.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Being the subject of this discussion, I figured I'd chime in.

    I really was in shock over the whole thing. The guy was really an embarresment to his Clan, and anyone there watching. The games are about brotherhood in the celebration of our Scottish heritage, not a stage for clowns to rehearse their lines in the broadway musical of Braveheart.
    I was appauled that this guy made such a scene over my uniform, which is of a Scottish Highlander in the 77th Reg. of Foote during the FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, Not Culloden, not Glen Coe, or Preston Pans, et al. My unit was raised in 1757 specifically for service in America, once the war ended, it was disbanded. This guy put me in places, honestly, I've never heard of, and doing things I had no Idea about.

    Too much really to write about, just the unfortunate experience of someone wearing a kilt, thinking he was cool, but really making an *** out of himself.

    I was taught years ago, by my grandfather that there is a responsibility that goes along with wearing the kilt. A code of conduct, honor, and dignity that speaks for all the kilt represents. Don't take it lightly. Apparently, this guy needs the same lesson. Oh, and one in history too.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Glad you handled it well, as we know there are some who just have to prove themselves a fool at any chance they get!
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunnHighlander
    I was taught years ago, by my grandfather that there is a responsibility that goes along with wearing the kilt. A code of conduct, honor, and dignity that speaks for all the kilt represents. Don't take it lightly. Apparently, this guy needs the same lesson. Oh, and one in history too.
    Do me a favor and explain this to the clever bastards who had a "men in kilts best legs" contest at Chciago Celtic Fest. Somebody asked me if I was going to enter the contest and I gave them the "stare of death" until they apologized.

    However...to adress a more pleasant aspect of this unfortunate set of circumstances...please post some piccies of your reenactors' unit and yourself in uniform...I think that we'd all like to see that being the history fans that we all seem to be.



  5. #25
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    [QUOTE=auld argonian]Do me a favor and explain this to the clever bastards who had a "men in kilts best legs" contest at Chciago Celtic Fest. Somebody asked me if I was going to enter the contest and I gave them the "stare of death" until they apologized.

    Well mannered frivolity over a few pints or a dram or two, I hold in high regard... being a viking, maybe even a little pilaging..hee hee

    I'll see what I can do about the pics.

    J.T. Nelson

  6. #26
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    I'll second the pictures. I am always interested in seeing period dress. Re-enactment is an interest of mine, and I have seen only a handful of French and Indian war period paintings.

    *actually the "paintings" were online scans or renditions. They still looked awesome thoough!

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Green
    I'll second the pictures. I am always interested in seeing period dress. Re-enactment is an interest of mine, and I have seen only a handful of French and Indian war period paintings.

    *actually the "paintings" were online scans or renditions. They still looked awesome thoough!
    I'm sure you're familiar w/ this, but just thought I'd mention Robert Griffing's work. Wonderful renditions of F&I period Scots (Native Americans too!).

    Unfortunately, you'll still have to deal w/ online scans, but here's a link:

    I should mention that it was quite stirring to see GunnHighlander's unit drilling on the same grounds on which they were originally stationed & deployed (Ligonier, PA).

    I feel I should also mention to GunnHighlander that I'm quite sorry he became the focus of the aforementioned idiot's commentaries. I hope you don't let one individual's lack of knowledge and decorum influence your perception of Clan Donald!

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    I have seen a couple scans of that artist around. One of them on Xmarks... the one titles "Warriors" I believe was used in a recent post... I actually saved that picture to my computer. Great artwork.

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