So yesterday I wore my new SWK Irish National to the local Ren Fest where my wife and I volunteer every year for a day to help out a local organization.
When we left, we stopped in a shopping center about a block from my house, everyone else was exhausted, so I was elected to go into the store and grab a few things.
As I got out of the truck, I heard someone in a passing car say...."Nice dress"
When I got to the counter in the store, there was some housewife type standing there who sparked up the following conversation...
SHE "Y'know, I've never actually seen anyone in a kilt before"
ME: "Well, now you have."
SHE "Don't you feel funny?"
ME: "Not at all"
SHE "Well, I don't feel funny in my sweatpants and flip flops"
Paid for my stuff, and walked out of the store. As I was walking back to the truck, some hag passing through the parking lot said "Nice skirt" I turned and saw who had said it, she was wearing a nice smirk on her face that quickly disappeared when I just looked away from her and said "idiot"
I never thought there would be so many uncultured assholes around here. Guess I'll have to wear my SWK to the store alot more often to make sure they are properly educated.