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  1. #11
    Brasilikilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    Interesting form of recreation.

    I saw a documentary a while back on a group of people that were trying to recreate conditions experienced by early settlers.... is this something similar?

    This event was a pre 1840 rendezvous which centers on the Western/Rocky mountain fur trade. Almost all of the people you see there do a Mountain man/Native american impression.... I'm not sure what documentary you saw, but it sounds similar as the idea at a rendezvous is to do things the old fashioned way whenever possible, such as cooking, sleeping in tee-pees starting fires with flint and steel, shooting muzzle loaders etc etc

    Andrew: I ran into the same problem as you, whatever I did to the top half didn't feel right. Pretty much all the online instructions I found said the same thing "For the top half of the kilt, just use your imagination!"

    But here is a link that helped me A LOT


    Look how he twists the corners of the plaid and sticks them in his belt

    As for the belts, I don't recall seeing any of the "ring belts" used historically, so I stick with the simple brass buckles for now. I have a big round one for the wide belt to hold the kilt on, and a much smaller squarish buckle for the much narrower "gear belt" which is pretty long, but mostly so I can use it for different purposes if need be.
    As far as I'm concerned, the second belt is a necessity!

    It's late and I must sleep.......good night everyone

    Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    For the top half of my belted plaid, I have
    a simple way of arranging it:

    1. After getting it belted on, find the two top
    corners hanging down in the front. Tuck them
    in the back of the belt. (This makes a fold kind
    of diagonally to the upper selvedge. Also, I
    don't twist the ends, it makes a knot that I
    don't like the feel of when sitting in a chair.
    These ends can be pushed under the belt
    from the bottom, and then down over the
    pleats next to the shirt to stay in place longer.)

    2. Pull the right side where the new fold meets
    the selvedge behind the back and up over the
    left shoulder. Hold it there with the right hand.

    3. Pull the left side where the fold meets the
    selvedge up with the left hand and hold both
    with the right hand.

    4. Reach down with the left hand to the lowest
    point of the selvedge (or maybe a little forward
    of this point) and pull this point up to where
    the right hand is holding the other "ends."

    5. Pin or tie these three parts together.

    6. As neatly as possible, fold and flatten the
    bunches of fabric under the left arm. Mostly
    the fabric naturally falls into a good fold, so
    it mostly just needs flattening. If I mess with
    it too much trying to re-fold for a neater bunch,
    it doesn't work and I have to start again.

    7. Remember, there is more fabric in the top
    than the bottom, and you don't have pleats
    to make it neat. It is going to be kind of
    bulky no matter what you do.

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