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  1. #51
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    has anyone asked a Marine, what they think of Pakistani Leatherneck kilts being sold in USA (by a US company)?

    to echo Matt;
    it's not just any tartan.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish
    In Marine vernacular OUT-STINKING-STANDING!
    Well, that isn't quite the actual expression.

    Now, given the many options I can order it in, I may have to just get two of these. (I am thinking a HW Box and a Standard to the sett)
    Only two?

    Its probably a good thing he isnt allowing pre-ordering, as it would take several months to catch the backlog.
    Got that right!

    Now, if Jerry would just catch on to the idea of pockets he just might corner the market.

  3. #53
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    I see it like this, the Marines are children of the UNITED STATES NAVY, and we love them dearly. Having served 20 years in the submarine service I will jolly well wear the Leatherneck tartan if it pleases me to do so (copy the kid's fashion so to speak) and I could not possibly care less who doesn't like it. Of course if Jerry really want's to draw a bead on my bank account all he has to do is come up with a USN kilt with slash pockets.......

  4. #54
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Matt, we obviously won't agree 100% on this one, and that's understandable. Having each said our piece in the above posts, I hope we can put this behind us.
    Sure thing, and I certainly wasn't attacking you personally, Jerry!

    To be frank, I don't like Pakistani made kilts; I don't like non-woolen kilts; I don't like off-the-peg kilts. Now, I could go into a whole host of reasons why as to all of the above, but Stillwater falls into all those categories.

    That being said, from what I know of you, Jerry, I do like you. You are honest and upfront about all the details of your product. You've never hid the fact that your kilts are made in Pakistan, not in Scotland, which puts you in a whole other class than those peddlers who try to pass their Asian made products off as "authentic Highland kilts" to tourists at the Royal Mile or visitors to the Highland Games.

    This allows the consumer to make an informed decision. You seem to be an honest guy and you certainly have a reputation for good customer service. So I have no qualms about any of that, and I hope you haven't read anything I've posted as an attack on you or your company.

    Also, I feel I must reiterate that I am not a marine. Now, I imagine if I was a marine, I would not feel good about the Leatherneck tartan being produced in Pakistan. But I'm not a marine.

    There are lots of marines on this board, and I'd like to hear their opinion.

    Like I said in my last post, I brought this issue up here because I've had several people ask me what I thought about it, and I was surprised not to see it being discussed already. So I'm interested in what everyone thinks about this.

    I'll be quiet now and let the marines here voice their opinions...

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon
    has anyone asked a Marine, what they think of Pakistani Leatherneck kilts being sold in USA (by a US company)?
    Probably the same thing INS and the U.S. Border Patrol thought when their uniforms were being made in Mexico: "Wait a (enter expletive of choice here) minute?!"
    to echo Matt;
    it's not just any tartan.
    Given the facts that Steve is a former Marine, that he would have taken that question and reactions to it under consideration, the quality of Stillwater kilts, and that Pakistan is a military ally, your average kilt-wearing Marine (that has to be an oxymoron) is probably all for it.

    As a side note, has History Channel's "Mail Call" done anything on the Highland Regiments yet? Someone send a USMC SWK to R. Lee Ermey.

  6. #56
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    Marine here, checking in. I think from my previous posts you already know my views on the SWK line.

    Now, let me tell you this. Go to any base PX and look at half the USMC memorablia sold there. Half of it is produced overseas.

    Marines themselves dont just come from "Kansas". I have served with Marines from Haiti, Pakistan, pretty much every middle eastern country, South Africa, China, and tons of countries I cant remember. And I dont mean their ancestors or even parents came from those countries, I mean the Marines themselves were born there.

    Stillwater pays their staff a living wage, and holds his shop in a decent work environment. His company itself is based in the United States, though production is outsourced (like tons of other "American" companies). He never claimed his kilts were made in the USA.

    Personally, unless it was hand sewn by a Marine themselves, I dont see how anything else is different. What matters to me is intent, and the intent SWK has is to offer a tartan that has been widely requested, in order to honor the USMC. I really dont see how you can go wrong with that.

    Now, as to the "Its not just any tartan" comment, well, a McDonald tartan isnt just any tartan to a McDonald now is it? Other than the purely commercial tartans each one holds special meaning to someone. If Blackwatch can be made in Pakistan, then why not Leatherneck?

  7. #57
    macwilkin is offline
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    Black Watch...

    If Blackwatch can be made in Pakistan, then why not Leatherneck?
    Point of clarification: the tartan's name is Black Watch (two words), or the Government Sett.



  8. #58
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    Thank you.

  9. #59
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish
    Thank you.
    You're most welcome. Sorry to be picky.


  10. #60
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    My $0.02 worth-

    OK All-

    (soapbox mode)

    I know that Jerry probably did some thinking before he decided to give us a Leatherneck Tartan. I am NOT a former Marine (former USAF) but I will order at least 1 Leatherneck kilt from Jerry, fully knowing where it came from and that Jerry took the incentive to provide it.

    I will be appreciative of Jerry's fast shipping and great customer service. Jerry's kilts are a great deal for the price.

    I will wear it with pride to honor those that have put their lives in harm's way for this country.

    (/soapbox mode)

    Jerry-Thanks for thinking about us current and former military personnel.

    Sorry if it sounds like I got up on a soapbox there, just my $0.02 worth.

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