22nd November 06, 02:50 PM
If jeans are giving you guys that much trouble, you're wearing them too tight.
Accept the fact that you're fat and get some that fit. That's what I did.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
22nd November 06, 03:18 PM
I have several pairs of blue jeans which I absolutely refuse to wear unless I'm digging a hole in the ground or something equally grubby. I will wear Dockers or something similar to the office.... but jeans - they are manhood killers as far as I'm concerned.!
22nd November 06, 07:37 PM
 Originally Posted by Bob C.
If jeans are giving you guys that much trouble, you're wearing them too tight.
Accept the fact that you're fat and get some that fit. That's what I did.
Excellent advice Bob! And you don't necessarily have to be fat, but lets be real, how many of us retain the studly waist line we had in college? And for me, it was not even studly in college! Kilts look great on any man, but it also tends to slim the waist, and for a larger gent, that is a bonus.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
22nd November 06, 09:20 PM
 Originally Posted by Bob C.
Accept the fact that you're fat and get some that fit.
Ouch...I agree we all "age a bit around the middle" but Cavscount is having other constrictions :rolleyes:
I would have to agree with KCW and try different maker type of jeans...try LL Bean. Simple jeans for $20
Good for weed wackin' and changin' the oil etc....
Good Luck with the Mrs...
22nd November 06, 09:31 PM
Ok, then. For those of you who've worn kilts so long that you've forgotten how to wear pants: DON'T try to wear them like Ed Grimsley.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
22nd November 06, 11:07 PM
When I wear pants (barring any uniforms... keep in mind my military service), I'm almost exclusively wearing jeans. I do own 3 pairs of khaki pants.
Now... I'm no small guy in any sense, and I am usually pretty comfortable in any of my pants (again... barring uniforms). All my jeans are pretty much Levis, and they all fit comfortably (though, I admit they're not as comfortable as any of my kilts).
I work on cars A LOT. Where I love wearing kilts, I can't bring myself to muck up a perfectly good kilt with all sorts of automotive fluids (not to mention compliance with established rules at the auto shop).
I think I'm a freak amongst kilties and non-kilties alike. I prefer kilts, but I have no big issues wearing pants.
23rd November 06, 04:14 AM
I detest tight jeans and didn't wear any for years until last year when I bought a really long pair (normally can't get a long enough leg in jeans) that were wonderfully baggy and, to me, cool. Now I have over five pairs of them.
In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly
23rd November 06, 04:45 AM
When I first got my kilt, I wore it the whole weekend. On Monday morning, getting dressed for work, I put on my jeans and I couldn't believe how uncomfortable they were. I had to keep checking to see if they were on correctly. Grabbing the crotch and saying "Are these on right?" After 30 years of carrying a wallet in my back left pocket, one weekend in a kilt completely put me off of it. Now I carry my DL, insurance card, and my check card in a money clip in my front right pocket. Kilt wearing, though primarily a weekend thing for me, has completely changed me.
As far as the wife issue, it was my wife who suggested the kilt, my wife who found this forum and emailed me the link and encouraged me to join, and my wife who keeps telling me I need to buy more kilts so she doesn't have to keep seeing the same one every weekend. She insists on the regimental thing and checks occasionally(not a bad thing!). Her 78 yr old mother, who lives with us, seems a bit troubled by it and keeps asking me what I'm wearing under my kilt. Of course I told her to check for herself! She was married and had two sons, I'm pretty sure there's nothing there too out of the ordinary.
My supervisor at work is the one with whom I have the most trouble. If it weren't for her, I'd be kilted daily. I work in a small dental lab which is owned by and housed in a big dental office. The one day I went to work kilted, all the other people at work(mostly female assistants and hygienists) were cool about it and most were really liking it. But my supervisor, she was completely flipped out. She didn't make eye contact with me or even speak to me for almost two weeks after wearing it to work once. She keeps telling my wife that she can't believe that she'll be seen in public with me dressed like that. Of course, after seeing her husband in shorts, I don't think she has much room to talk.
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