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  1. #11
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    If I were you, I would rather buy a proper kilt jacket and skip the nice sporran/Brogues/new hose/Eaton Jacket/Buttons/sigan dubh. Wearing a cheap jacket with a 500 dollar kilt seems wrong to me.

  2. #12
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    "If I were you, I would rather buy a proper kilt jacket and skip the nice sporran/Brogues/new hose/Eaton Jacket/Buttons/sigan dubh. Wearing a cheap jacket with a 500 dollar kilt seems wrong to me."

    I wear a kilt with a wide variety of shirts, waistcoats, jackets, and sweaters; the kilt is the common denominator; the sine qua non. I have a good formal coat (regimental doublet with tashes, full gauntlet cuffs and satin lapels, and a bullion embroidered bagpipe on the right sleeve), but I do black tie events constantly throughout the year. I can't in good conscience recommend that anyone (at least, anyone in my socioeconomic class) spend $350 on a coat they'll only wear once a year to Burn's Night.

  3. #13
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    Thanks for all of the input guys.

    I hadn't considered NOT wearing my mini-medals in the formal attire. I earned them and the only reason they are not listed on the invite is that it is a civililian affair, having nothing to do with the military, just like our local Burns Supper.

    I would prefer it if ALL former military members, of all services and all countries, wore their hard-earned military awards. If everyone did it, then no one would think twice about recommending against it... kind of like kilt wearing. Please keep in mind, the kilt was and is considered military attire. It was also considered an instrument of war (along with bagpipes) and outlawed as such in the Act of Proscription (1782-1792). I have several friends that never served in the military and they have remarked on the militaristic-slant of traditional kilt attire.

    Now, I am on the fence about the medals at the Christmas party... hell, it is a time of war (like it or not, our boys are dying everyday) and I am a proud veteran. I'm wearing the mini-medals. If anyone says anything, I'll point out that I wore the small ones as a compromise, knowing there would be lilly-livered liberals present.

    I have off-white hose, so I will go with those.

    I think I will go with my black Doc Marten brogues unless I can find a steal on some real leather ones on eBay.

    I did purchase a black rabbit fur sporran with a metal cantle. Nothing too lavish. Probably **** make. I also am watching a few auctions for sgians.

    I will post a pic when I get it all together. Thanks again!

  4. #14
    macwilkin is offline
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    I hadn't considered NOT wearing my mini-medals in the formal attire. I earned them and the only reason they are not listed on the invite is that it is a civililian affair, having nothing to do with the military, just like our local Burns Supper.
    Ah, but Burns himself served in the military -- the Dumfries Volunteers, the local militia unit, and was a very active member:


    And many Burns Suppers do invite ex-servicemen to wear medals and decorations, regardless of whether it is a "civilian" event or not.



  5. #15
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    Do wear the medals.

    You earned them, wear them suckers!

    Normally I'd say off-white for the kilt hose but for black tie white hose might be a good contrast to the black shoes.

  6. #16
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    Never said you shouldn't wear them. Just gave my preference for wearing them. We all have our preferences on here from shoes to fly plaids. It's great to get all the opinions and have I benefitted greatly in my enjoyment of Highland wear from all the members input and questions.

  7. #17
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    At least according to Thomson in "So You're Going to Wear the Kilt" - mini medals are appropriate for formal attire - regardless if it is a military or civilian event.

  8. #18
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    Around here, most folks entitled to wear decorations do wear them when going formal; never raises an eyebrow. The only time I've ever heard a negative comment was when some nucklehead showed up with a chestful of JROTC ribbons; I doubt that he'll try that again.

  9. #19
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by PiobBear View Post
    I can't in good conscience recommend that anyone (at least, anyone in my socioeconomic class) spend $350 on a coat they'll only wear once a year to Burn's Night.
    I agree, I wear a kilt for black tie all the time but I wouldn't spent the money for once a year. Especially since after two or three wearings it might not fit anymore. I usually suggest that people rent a PC if they need one that infrequently but the Eton will work fine; get some traditional silver buttons and it will look great. The off-white hose and your brogues will look absolutely proper...just put a good shime on them.

    As far as the medals...wear them! If anyone asks why you are wearing them the answer is simply because I earned them!

  10. #20
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    Post Cheap Formalwear

    I bought a one-button Eton jacket from Uniformal Wearhouse. Fit is surprisingly good. I am less than happy with the shininess of the main jacket material. Granted, it is not wool barathea. I was hoping for a better match with my Standard SWK kilts. I am undecided between sending it back, and keeping it (it was only $39!) and seeing if repeated washings take at least some of the shiny poly look off the jacket.

    Thoughts on this, especially from Eton jacket purchasers would be appreciated.

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