This is definitely not a case of the cobbler's children going shoeless! What a lovely pair of kilts! And your daughter's hose are smashing.
There are two companies (one in the UK and one in Ireland) that knit custom hose to match tartan. Well, of course there are more than that, but those are the two I know of. Mostly they do hose for Highland dancers, because matching hose are a required part of the competition uniform for all but beginning dancers. Some pipers wear them, but they are so expensive that most people who don't dance choose other hose!
My newest kilt is an Isle of Skye, but pleated to the sett. I love it. Everyone who sees it says they like it. Your customer is in for a real treat. I almost fear IoS is going to become common place among kilties, but there again, it's a great tartan and seeing more of it can only be a good thing. Well done on the kilt by the way, it looks fantastic.
Fine. Just fine. I get to the post office and there in my box my copy of your book. And now it's obsolete - there's a second edition just round the corner! Argh!
I can see why you want to include it in your book.
Well done!
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society