28th December 06, 12:59 PM
I have tried to stay out of this, but I am simply amazed at the diversity you all already have. Although there is not a native Scots on board (as of yet), the fact that you are across the globe is pretty amazing. Likewise, for a board that started in the US, it has certainly not ceased to amaze me at how culturally and geographically diverse this group is.
Secondly, while I understand the folks apprehension at this being a moderated site, this fact allows me to let kids and other family members on this site to ask their questions or to do research with no qualms. The moderators do a nice job at keeping most things in balance. Good job guys!
28th December 06, 11:51 PM
To the Moderators, Thumbs up....I have been coming here since day one or close to it. I saw a couple of major changes, lost my name, re applied, got divorced....but still love kilts and here I am. For those looking at my post count...no I haven't much..lol
Running a forum is for the most part a thankless job. I know this for a fact because I do it in another part of the web. I and a couple other people run a gaming site. Five gaming servers and a forum..hours spent each day/night (aside from our employment) keeping things running smoothly. We try to run a family friendly set of servers which causes us to constantly be on guard for anything that may not fit that. Only infrequently do we hear a "thank you" for all that we do but its still worth it.
as to the girl....I think she made the usual teen sort of statement that anything not currently a teen fad ( in this case Kilts) were just not cool.
29th December 06, 02:45 PM
I'll echo the comments of those thanking the moderators. They all do a great job. Without the moderators the site would be unreadable. Thanks guys for all your hard (and largely thankless) work.
3rd January 07, 01:12 PM
I have for quite a while disliked the sudden
disappearance of interesting threads. This
coupled with the public scolding of members
who posts drift innocently has caused me to
lose interest in the site. I would occaisionally
check in to see that there would be something
possibly interesting, but mostly the same old
I can understand simply removing a post that
is clearly offensive, and doing so without any
remark to anyone other than the offending poster,
but I strongly dislike any moderation that
includes commentary from the moderator.
There have been many posts from moderators
about keeping on topic. What this seems to mean
is nothing except the same old boring kilt questions
should follow. The variety that drifting topics brings
is more refreshing.
Equally frustrating is the moderators
insistance that they are clairvoyant in the future posts
that will follow any particular comment. These
remarks make me feel like if my contribution to
a thread must be a particularly astounding
revelation in support of the original topic or else
it will only result in further degradation of the
thread. Usually I just don't bother.
I also participate in discussions on other moderated
sites regarding topics which easily become
controversial,and the moderation is nearly invisible.
This makes the environment much more friendly,
because people don't have constant reminders that
punishment is only an exclamation point (!) away.
Now to keep this post on topic; though I've not
been posting here much recently, I have been
actively wearing my kilt very VERY frequently.
I've had quite a few stories worthy of posting
here, had I been more comfortable sharing them.
In spite of the interest it creates, I have yet to
see a single kilt outside of scottish/etc. events.
I have on occaision mentioned this site, but am
reluctant to do so regularly because of a response
I got from someone who did look it up (along the
lines of 'a bunch of whiney men talking about how
pretty they look in their kilts'). I'm not going
to argue about it with them or anyone here.
3rd January 07, 01:36 PM
I disagree with most of your comments Robinhood.
I feel the moderation here is fair and responsible. This forum is exactly what it set out to be, from the information I have seen.
As has been said, If this forum doesn't suit you, there are others that may, and you are free to use this one or any other. But when you attack and complain because you have an issue (openly in the forum) you are not doing yourself or others a favor. You should PM a moderator and let them hear you.
I have read many rants on other forums putting this one down, and their reasoning is in their own pettyness.
Take it easy and don't make these things issues.
Mark Dockendorf
Left on the Right Coast
3rd January 07, 01:43 PM
 Originally Posted by mddock58
...I have read many rants on other forums putting this one down...
I on occassion would peruse some of those. I thought about joining one a couple of times and thought better of it. Now I seldom bother because there was so much negativity. Frankly there are enough negatives in life without actively pursuing more. X Marks the Scot is what it is, a family friendly kilt site. When thinking about young eyes that may be looking in, it is better to be on the safe side.
Argue politics, religion, economics, and sexuality elsewhere.
It may not reflect all facets of kilts, but those it does shine bright.
Let's keep this place fun for all.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
3rd January 07, 02:05 PM
I've been over to the other big website and I was pretty much disgusted with the complaining and the off color topics. You can get that anywhere on the internet.
This site is clean, supportive, and family friendly thanks to the hard work of the moderators.
If anyone wants to see what makes this site special, surf around to some of the threads going on right now. Thanks to the way this site is being run, we are starting to be much more than an just an internet community...it's becoming a group of good friends.
It don't mean a thing, if you aint got that swing!!
'S Rioghal Mo Dhream - a child of the mist
3rd January 07, 02:06 PM
This site is Great. The Mods work hard. Why make it more difficult for them?
I say Keep up the good work Mods....
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau
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