Pleats in the back for starts. Now the SWK's are all high waisted traditional kilts so plan on the waistband being an inch or more above the navel. Strap in on snug and look at yourself in a mirror - be sure the bottom of the kilt (the selvedge edge) hits you no lower than mid knee - a more traditional look is the top of the knee.
Now... stand tall and enjoy yourself - hey... you're wearin' a kilt!
1. get kilt
2. Open bottle of single malt. Test for quality.
3. remove basting stich ( )
4. Check scotch again to make sure it is breathing enough
5. pull kilt up about midsection. - pleats in back.
6. find single leather strap on right side.
7. insert leather strap in right hand through slit in kilt near top on left.
8. pull strap through and Buckle strap.
9. take two straps on left end of kilt and wrap around front.
10. insert straps into buckles on right hip.
11. Verify scotch is still good.
12. Put on belt/sporral/sgain/what-have-you
13. fill flask. put bottle back in whisky cabinet and head out for kilt night!
One leg at at time.....oh WAIT..that's for Troosers
Pleats in the back...put on hose & flashes first. Buckle the left (or stick the velcro), buckle the right (or stick the velco)..check to make sure the pleats are in back. Put on your belt if you have one, put on your sporran if you have one, and check one more time to make sure that the pleats are in back.
It don't mean a thing, if you aint got that swing!! 'S Rioghal Mo Dhream - a child of the mist
1. get kilt
2. Open bottle of single malt. Test for quality.
5. pull kilt up about midsection. - pleast in back.
Pleast? Methinks the scotch can't breathe for being in your bloodstream!
GreenDragon - congratulations! As everyone has mentioned, pleats (or pleast) in back, toes in front, ends around your knees... just put let that big s#&%-eating grin come out on your face, hold your head high, and enjoy having your knees in the breeze!
Don't remove the basting sticthes until you are satisfied that the legnth and waist size work for you. Jerry can do exchanges on the waist size but not if you remove the basting stiches.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache