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View Poll Results: how do you feel about the kilt being worn as a fashion statement?

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  • I feel its wrong because a kilt/tartan is a sign of heritage and ancestry

    6 3.70%
  • I think its great because it popularizes the kilt

    49 30.25%
  • I dont care

    34 20.99%
  • Its fine as long as there is a line (of sorts) that respect the kilt and its meaning

    67 41.36%
  • I dont like it because they are wearing the kilt for the wrong reason

    6 3.70%
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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    I absolutely support those who wear a kilt strictly for reasons of heritage and tradition. At the same time I like to see more of those with a free spirit enjoy what the kilt has to offer.

    I voted 3-1/2

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    I don't think of the choice of an article of clothing as a big deal. I like kilts, I have Scottish roots, I wear kilts. I kind of like being a little different from other folks (within certain conservative norms), so you can see that I am probably not wholly consistent.

    I also think they look terrific, and so do many others from the comments that come when ever someone posts pictures, so a lot of folks here think of them as fashion.

    I checked I DON'T CARE because I don't care. We're all at least a bit fashion conscious--else we wouldn't fork over big bucks for an article of clothing when Walmarts has serviceable coverings for a fraction of the cost--or we wouldn't be here.

    I would love to see lots of guys in kilts, but I don't expect to see it. So here I am in a kilt, about to head out for the ST. Paddy's festivities, and I hope to cut a dashing figure.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  3. #13
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    I said that I was fine with it as long as you respect what it's about.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    I don't think of the choice of an article of clothing as a big deal. I like kilts, I have Scottish roots, I wear kilts. I kind of like being a little different from other folks (within certain conservative norms), so you can see that I am probably not wholly consistent.

    I also think they look terrific, and so do many others from the comments that come when ever someone posts pictures, so a lot of folks here think of them as fashion.

    I checked I DON'T CARE because I don't care. We're all at least a bit fashion conscious--else we wouldn't fork over big bucks for an article of clothing when Walmarts has serviceable coverings for a fraction of the cost--or we wouldn't be here.

    I would love to see lots of guys in kilts, but I don't expect to see it. So here I am in a kilt, about to head out for the ST. Paddy's festivities, and I hope to cut a dashing figure.
    Umm, yes, exactly.

  5. #15
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    I wear kilts because they are comfortable. I have a Stewart Black tartan, not because I am a Stewart (I'm not), but because I think it looks good. I like to see men in kilts regardless of their reasons for wearing them.

  6. #16
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    so from what we have so far the general consencus is that kilts are great.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by shane the piper View Post
    so from what we have so far the general consencus is that kilts are great.
    Amen, brother. So mote it be.

    This is not about food or shelter or keeping the kids fed. It's about clothing, and some of us are fortunate enough (or smart enough, or hard working enough, or whatever) to be able to indulge our proclivities. We can do what we want.

    And, we want to wear kilts. It's not really about anything other than our own desires and choices. I love kilts. Tonight, I was the focus of interest most places I went (it's St. Paddy's Day), and I loved it. It's not about respect, tradition, etc. No, it's about being who I am (an old guy who wears a kilt and loves doing it) and accepting the things I cannot change, changing the thing I can (that need changing), and knowing the difference.

    But . . . I am one bad mamma-jamma in a kilt, and the laides love it!

    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  8. #18
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    times change, if you ain't movin forward, you will become extinct, just ask a dinosaur.


  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcvarmit View Post
    times change, if you ain't movin forward, you will become extinct, just ask a dinosaur.

    "The extinction of the dinosaurs was most probably caused by an asteroid hitting the Earth - but what would have happened if the giant space rock had missed?

    For a long time it was thought that dinosaurs were a lumbering, cold-blooded extinction just waiting to happen. Even the word dinosaur has come to mean something that has outlived its time.

    The scientific argument was that as cold-blooded creatures, dinosaurs would not have stood a chance of surviving an ice age.

    "According to the first imaginings of palaeontologists and the general public about dinosaurs, we thought of them as reptiles," says Kristi Curry-Rogers, from the Science Museum of Minnesota.

    "'Reptile' is a word which comes with a lot of other connotations, like cold-blooded, slow-moving, sprawling, scaly skins, kind of stupid."

    But more recent discoveries, such as dinosaur fossils in both polar regions, reveal that these animals were far more adaptable than previously thought.
    If the asteroid had missed, there probably wouldn't be humans here today either to find out how it would have turned out.

    The impact that ended the golden age of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago made for an extremely bad dinosaur day but it was also a very good mammal day. "

  10. #20
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    I Concur: Three Cheers for the Kilt!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    ...People want to wear kilts for many different reasons, and it's not my place to tell someone he's wearing it for the "wrong" reason. If someone wants to wear a kilt for comfort, or fashion, or rebellion, or tradition, or whatever, that's all fine by me.
    I feel pretty much the same: IMO the kilt from its roots/origin is essentially a fashion and not a uniform, so anyone can look as bad or good as they want in it (and it's all subjective anyway), and no one really has the authority (eg the Tartan Police) to say they do or dont have the "right" to wear the kilt or any particular tartan.

    That being said, I wear a kilt to show pride in my heritage and allegiance to my clan, and as long as anyone who wears our tartan doesn't show disrespect for my clan and heritage and reason for wearing the kilt, I have no issues about them wearing the same.
    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

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