I am really eager for mine now (my first USA Kilt). It may just be my monitor but I can't see the red stripe. Maybe Mcleod of Lewis does cause blindness.
Isn't the Barclay tartan the same as the Mcleod of Lewis minus the red stripe?
I do believe it is. A friend of mine is a Barkley and cannot stand the tartan. I'm trying to find a weathered one for her in the hope she'll manage to get over to America for my wedding and wear it.
Ron, you look absolutely great in that kilt. You are one of those people who are just a credit to kilt-wearers everywhere because you always look good.
I do believe it is. A friend of mine is a Barkley and cannot stand the tartan. I'm trying to find a weathered one for her in the hope she'll manage to get over to America for my wedding and wear it.
Ron, you look absolutely great in that kilt. You are one of those people who are just a credit to kilt-wearers everywhere because you always look good.
Actually the variant you want is called Barclay Dress Muted. The modern and ancient variants are still to bright for my taste. The modern looks like neon yellow. And the Barclay sett is much simpler. But it does get confused with the "Loud MacLeod" all the time.
I guess everyone is just used to seeing you in a kilt that the shock factor is gone. Even for the "Loud MacLeod".
I know how you feel about invisible. I never get asked for a picture or anything. However, if I am with another kiltie they invariablly do, and usually by a nice looking female or 2. I don't get included in the picture! meh!
Congrats on the kilt! It looks great and is definitely on my list. I know 2 guys with a kilt in this tartan, and I gotta admit I like it. Not sure what my wife thinks...