9th April 07, 06:46 PM
If I made one my wife wouldn't wear it and I'm sure as hell 'aint. I'd have to do a full shave! Having said this I think if you had the time to author such a thing that people would make one. I've still gotta get my butt in gear to make my X-Klt variant but I spend so much time on X-Marks and my digi camera isn't working...
9th April 07, 07:22 PM
I'd be tempted and my wife would probably wear a hostess length one, if that was an option.
9th April 07, 07:30 PM
Count Me In
I'll make one and post pictures. My wife would definitely wear one. Could I also modify the pattern to mid-calf length? (That might take some type of slit between pleats to allow easier walking, eh?)
I think this would be a good project before I tackle a kilt. I've sewn lots of utility items for models (kites, a hot air balloon envelope, sails, airplane covering) and all sorts of bags and covers, so I won't have any problem with a sewing machine. We finally replaced the 1950's Singer my mom gave me a few years ago, so I'm set there.
Cheap fabric? I think I can risk a few yards of the good stuff for my wife
9th April 07, 07:52 PM
Well it just so happens that when I was back home this past weekend I dug one of Grandma's old sewing machines out of the barn. A very heavy duty Japanese made Singer knock off called a Wizard that was sold by Western Auto. I just did a tune up on it and it purrs like...well, like a sewing machine and it is built heavy enough to sew sheet metal. I just need a project and some supplies.
I'd be happy to make one and post my work. I'm thinking something in pink vinyl with black stitching. Something that would look good on a 32" inseam with knee high 21 eyelet Doc Martens.
9th April 07, 09:28 PM
Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society
10th April 07, 12:31 AM
10th April 07, 12:40 AM
I've been carryin' a hankerin' fer a sewin' machine. If only I had a few more dollars. Aww phooey! If I had a few more dollars it'd probly go toward a kilt 'nsted of a sewin' machine!
Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?
10th April 07, 01:34 AM
Would love the directions. Besides, it would give me something to do! And yes, I WOULD post the pics
10th April 07, 01:22 PM
I'm sorry, but I've been asked to not contribute to actions which would negatively impact the sales of X-Marks advertisers. Specifically, writing the Skirt Manual was OK'd (which only makes sense, I mean, how could someone stop me from doing that!?) , but direct encouragement on the forum of individual people making their own garments, and thereby not purchasing from forum advertisers has been nixxed. I was asked most politely about this and while I'm not delighted about it, I'm not angry about it, either. I'm happy to comply.
Upshot is, I have started a process with Dirka Skene whereby she will be making her own tartan skirt, and since I've started the process I think it's only fair to complete it with her. However, I won't be expanding that coaching/advising/encouraging process, publically, beyond Dirka, so as to comply with the request, and not negatively impact the sales of X-Marks advertisers. If, after seeing Dirka's skirt, anyone has questions about it, then you're certainly all welcome to PM me and ask and I'll do my best to answer. At that point, Dirka will be *the* authority, so you might want to be asking HER!
As in all things like this, my main goal has always been to encourage learning, growth and experimentation. To put it simply, Dirka says she can't sew a stitch. She says she's never threaded a sewing machine. But I have sworn to her that by the time we are done, she will have made herself a nice pleated skirt. The message is clear. if Dirka can do it, YOU can do it.....Just like if Tartan Hiker, who'd never sewn before he made his first X-Kilt....if he can build an X-Kilt, then YOU can build an X-Kilt. Once you've done that, you will know, intimately why you pay good money for the high-quality garments our advertisers offer to us, and you will know EXACTLY why they cost why they do. What seems like and extravagence now, will seem reasonable after you've done it yourself.
I will still cheer mightily for those in the DIY forum who create their own garments, blades and sporrans. I will still share pictures of my own creations as I have time to make them. I will of course publically answer questions about making X-Kilts, as that project has been widely adopted by X-Markers for quite some time. I just won't be personally, publically encouraging others to do create non-X-Kilt garments of their own, publically on the forum. In PM's, that's a different story!
Cheers, and carry on!
Last edited by Alan H; 10th April 07 at 01:29 PM.
10th April 07, 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by morrison
I've been carryin' a hankerin' fer a sewin' machine. If only I had a few more dollars. Aww phooey! If I had a few more dollars it'd probly go toward a kilt 'nsted of a sewin' machine!
If you buy a man a drink, he'll be drunk tonight,
If you teach a man to brew...
he'd be very happy tomorrow, or something like that.
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