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  1. #11
    Panache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by way2fractious View Post
    ...Let's see... one camo kilt for traveling and wearing in the hot sun on Saturday while cheering on the combatants (...er, competitors...)...

    Is the camo kilt easily washable? Remember we will likely be facing a lot of blood as we are dealing with the injuries sustained by the Nor Cal crew as they compete in the Heavy Athletics. The F-H.C.A.G. will bring the Defibulator, I've got a stretcher and bandages, how are you coming with with the oxygen mask?

    We still need to work on our fan signs. I'm thinking on one side it should read:


    and on the other

    "DON'T DIE!"



    (I am so dead next kilt night... )

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  2. #12
    TimC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    Is the camo kilt easily washable? Remember we will likely be facing a lot of blood as we are dealing with the injuries sustained by the Nor Cal crew as they compete in the Heavy Athletics. The F-H.C.A.G. will bring the Defibulator, I've got a stretcher and bandages, how are you coming with with the oxygen mask?

    We still need to work on our fan signs. I'm thinking on one side it should read:


    and on the other

    "DON'T DIE!"



    (I am so dead next kilt night... )

    All well and good....but who's bringing the beer, man? The Beer???


  3. #13
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    The F-H.C.A.G. and I will be driving up to Woodland early Saturday morning
    (after all it is Kilt/Beer Friday the day before and the Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess needs to dance).

    The Athletics start at 9:00

    Tim and Alan, do you know when you will be competing? Also what events?

    I thought the competition area would be a good place to meet.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimC View Post
    ... who's bringing the beer, man? The Beer???
    Is that what the St. Bernards carry in those little casks around their necks? If so, then our triage plans are complete; if not, we still have time to restock.

    Quote Originally Posted by Panache
    Is the camo kilt easily washable? Remember we will likely be facing a lot of blood as we are dealing with the injuries sustained by the Nor Cal crew as they compete in the Heavy Athletics. The F-H.C.A.G. will bring the Defibulator, I've got a stretcher and bandages, how are you coming with with the oxygen mask?
    [Salute] Yes, sir! This is genuine USMC MARPAT (desert digital camo), sir! Designed specifically for combat uses, and used to getting dirty, sweaty, bloody, or whatever, sir! [/salute]

    [Definitely NOT at ease] Uh... oxygen? Is that the little red cylinder with the "A-B-C" rating and spray nozzle? or the one that says "Highly Flammable"? or the one stamped "NOX"? [Even more uneasy...] Wouldn't it be better if we just let nature take it's course? (with videocams and cameras at hand, of course.)
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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  5. #15
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    Makes me wish I was back home. I will be there next year for sure!

  6. #16
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    Saint Bernards? Wolfhounds or deerhounds could carry the "kegs" (if they don't see anything to chase, that is). Border collies can carry 'em - but'd prob'ly go crazy tryin' to herd The Rabble...most of the terriers are too small to carry adequate quantities, but perhaps Airedales, if'n there ain't other critters about...decisions, decisions!


  7. #17
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    Hmm, I think it's about a 8% chance I can make it! Serious. It's a doable reality.
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

  8. #18
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    Tim and I (and Bill??) are competing in Men's "C". C Class is the novices, and since this will be my first Games and Tim's second, "C" seemed to be the place to be. When I look at what the Master 40-49 do, I'm CONVINCED it's the place to be!

    I don't know the order of things...which event comes first, which second and so on, but look for Tim and I on the throwing field. Supposedly, thing's start at 9:00 AM.

    Bill throws in Mens "B" I believe, so he's tossing stuff on Sunday. Tim and I are about even, which speaks for Tim's conditioning and hours in the gym, since I'm a lot bigger than he is! We're about even in Weight over the Bar and Weight for Distance. He's better at caber and the stone, I'm better at the two hammer events.

    Personally I'm gunning for 75 feet in the 16 pound hammer and 65 feet in the 22 pound. I hope to clear 12 feet in the 42-pound weight over the bar (if we can talk 'em into the 42 pound rather than the 56'er). I can clear eleven feet and change in the WOB, twelve feet is gonna be a challenge. Yesterday 13-feet-and-change was a challenge for the 28 pound weight over the bar, but I've done it before so I'll hope for 14 feet. I'll hope for 38 feet in the 28-pound weight for distance. If I can manage to not dislocate something vital in the heavier weight for distance throw Ill be happy...crikey! I've never hefted a 22 pound Braemer stone, so I don't know what to expect, so we'll see. 26-27 feet for the 16 pound open stone would make me happy. Finally, if we use an under-100-pound caber, I'll hope to turn the caber once.

    Yesterdays throwing workout at 6:00 was kind of ugly, but then I lifted weights hard around noon, so maybe that was why. You all missed the threads on the steel pipe that atttaches the handle to the weights stripping out on my third throw for height with 46 pounds, and me launching into the air to land *HARD* squarely on my back! It was pretty funny, but I was completely fine.

    If anybody is bringing a mini-cam, I'd pay money for video of moi slinging the hammer, doing weight over the bar, and caber. If no money, then will regular swigs of whisky do?

  9. #19
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    I don't have to drive after these Games. GUESS how much beer I'm gonna drink Saturday night? This goes double considering that moderation and an early "get-home-time" will be the name of the game on Friday.

  10. #20
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    We'll be bringing a digital video camera as well as stills.

    9:00 am.?!? On a Saturday? After Belmont Be.... uh ... Kilt Night? OK - if we have to. Will hold you beer for you when you're competing. int:

    Tim - there will be more beer in the cooler.

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