Damn lucky.
McWage, check out Jerry at What Price Glory. $295 US for a repro WW2 22oz. I was about to order one until I found this.
Excellent find Raptor, I guess you'll be found at that shop more often.
They do get them from time to time. About 18 months ago they had a Black Watch in there for $110, but I wouldn't have got it strapped around one leg.
Congratulations on a great find!
Glen McGuire A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
As promised, pics of the new tank. Off to get it cleaned & pressed on Wednesday.
Great find! Congratulations. Brian
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
ur tartan is the same as the aus army tartan? or am i just confused?
While there is an Australian national tartan that the army pipe bands wears at tattoos etc, our army doesn't wear it's own tartan. The various kilted batallions wear the tartan of the highland regiments they were associated with. It goes back to when we were still a crown colony. In this case, the merged 5 & 7btns both wear the tartan of the Gordon Highlanders. I am also from Clan Gordon.
Is it just the lighting, or is that kilt seriously faded? Cheers, Rick
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