out and about kilted again
last evening Tabby my fiancée' and I were out shopping for mothers day gift and stuff. We went down to the mall and it seemed that pretty much everyone on the island was determined to make a kilt comment. I had on my POW that Kelly and Rocky made, beautiful kilt. Not one negative comment, just pretty much admiration over the kilt, or just wearing a kilt in the first place. I must have gotten at least 10 comments and a few people that had to shake my hand. It was pretty nice evening all in all.
The kicker to the night was pretty the funniest part though. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things and saw Tabby's little sister sitting down at a table with a few friends across the parking lot. So we walked over to say hi. When we got there she was laughing and said that one of her friends saw us get out of the truck and head that direction. The friend looked over and told her "Oh my god! that guys wearing a kilt!" Sarah (Tabby's sister) said, "Oh, that must be my sister and her fiancé" She thought it was funny and had to share.
So we stay to talk to them a few minutes and her two friends blatantly start flirting with me right in front of my fiancée. These girls are 15 maybe 16 only. Tabby laughing and shaking her head. On of the girls is going on and on about how sexy the kilt is. The other is making comments about whats underneath it must be pretty big to be wearing it around in public and not worrying about the response. etc. We left pretty quick after that, I didn't want Tabby to slap one of them.
Its pretty interesting though, I live in Hawaii. These girls, and most of the other people that made kilt comments yesterday were all "local", little if any Celtic heritage at all. Mostly Polynesian and Asian decent. A totally diffrent heritage over here. They all love it. They know what a kilt is, and admire that there is a few of us out there that still wear them.
I'm waiting for the fad to start. I wear a kilt around quite a lot. I'm not a full timer, but i wear a kilt at least 2 or 3 times a week. And every time, I get the "wow! where did you get that" or the "wow! thats hot" or the glances and stairs. I figure sooner or later the other guys will catch on.
So the moral of this story is... All you single guys out there, that are uneasy about wearing a kilt, get over it. GIRLS LOVE IT. no matter the age, race, or background. A man in a kilt is interesting and eye catching. A man in a kilt is legendary in fact. Not a days go by that I'm kilted, where a cute young lass asked if the stories are true about men in kilts. A man in kilt is the man they desire. If only I had started wearing a kilt before I met my fiancée' ha ha
Great story. I'm glad you get such a good response. Germans seem to ignore my kilt. While I don't go out that often in it. I have yet to get any comments good or bad from germans while wearing my kilt.
Hindsight is usually 20/20. Glad you had fun.
Originally Posted by keepoffgrass
If only I had started wearing a kilt before I met my fiancée' ha ha
If only I had gotten a kilt 40 years ago!
Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!
Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none. Benjamin Franklin
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. Mark Twain
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