Do we know what the weight is of the SWK Standard? I was considering their Black Stewart to compliment my 16oz Hunting Stewart from FC...
I would highly recommend the Frugal Corner. They are some nice folks and the product is fantastic...
I personally would recommend either Stillwater or USAK!! But that is just my opinion!!!
HERMAN, Adventurer, BBQ guru, student of history
well i own over 100 Frugal Kilts and they are great
Originally Posted by FrugalCorner well i own over 100 Frugal Kilts and they are great You mean someone has more kilts than Hamish?
Haven't dealt with FC as yet, but do have an SWK economy & service & shipping is great (even internationally!)
Originally Posted by FrugalCorner well i own over 100 Frugal Kilts and they are great Originally Posted by cacunn You mean someone has more kilts than Hamish? I am the only one here who can understand a joke?
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
I love my Stillwaters! I don't have any thing from FC, but have recommended them, as well, based on everyone's great reviews. Good luck!
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